The crowd is still noisy, but my attention is somewhere else.

The half-transparent plate appeared in front of me again. The last time it popped up in front of me like this was when I formed the contract with Seilook.

But what’s written on it is clearly different. And even though I still can’t read this, I can understand it for some reason.

Here’s what it says.

『The contracted dragon, Seilook, has announced the founding of the town of Habbafulton.

Initiating town development assistance sequence.

Level one town.

The following effects have been put into operation.

A radius of fifty meters around the large kagero tree.

Level ten and lower monsters will not respawn.

Growing rate of crops slightly increased.

Population growth rate positively corrected.』

I can understand what it says, but there are words I’ve never heard before.

I can read this just like I could when we defeated the giant pseudo-mole, but… I guess Seilook initiated something called town development sequence. Is this where the tradition to plant kagero trees in villages comes from? And what does level and respawn mean anyway?

While I’m busy with the plate, everyone’s attention is on Seilook.

Seilook then flaps its wings and takes off flying in my direction.

Everyone’s eyes still follow Seilook as it lands on my shoulder, but I’m so distracted by the plate that I don’t notice it at first.


A dragon suddenly landing on my shoulder makes me stumble, but I manage to stop myself from falling.

I breathe a sigh of relief, look up, and see everyone’s eyes focused on me. I start to look around, when suddenly there’s a loud clapping sound.

It’s Kalin.

Everyone’s eyes shift over to her, and she starts talking again.

“The dragon’s blessing has made our town’s kagero seeds grow into a large tree in the blink of an eye, as if representing the fast development of the town itself. Very well done Master Rust. We should all be happy about witnessing this wonderful event, that will serve to decorate the first page of the history of Habbafulton.”

Says Kalin while looking at me. She’s obviously making it look like this is my doing to control the situation.

Kalin then continues the ceremony.

“I have an announcement to make. Using Habbafulton as a foothold, we will start development of the next town. Details will follow after further investigations, but I am counting on your continued support. I would also like to take this opportunity to publicly acknowledge the efforts of those who contributed greatly to the founding of our town.”

Kalin makes a hand signal towards Ahri, who walks forward and reads names off a different parchment.

She names department heads and people who showed particularly good results…

“And lastly, Master Rust. Please step forward.”

And she eventually calls my name.