"Today, I heard dog children say that you teach them to read and to read and write. So, I wonder if you can teach the children in our village how to read?" After Yang Zhu finished, he looked at Ning Mengyao with a look of expectation.

Ningmengyao is shocked. It turns out that she taught the children how to read. Now the village head wants him to teach the children in the village to read. This

"Village head, I......"

"Is there any difficulty for the girl?"

"I'm afraid I will delay their future," said Ning Mengyao

"It doesn't matter. We don't want them to go to the exam, or we want them to recognize the characters, have more skills, and have another way out in the future." As soon as Yang Zhu heard that, he quickly began to explain.

Ning Mengyao thought for a moment, and finally nodded and agreed: "if their families agree, I promise to teach them, but I may only teach them to read and write and to calculate. If I want to test the scholar, I'm afraid I still need to go to a regular school."

There is also a reason why she agreed. She has been looking for an opportunity to integrate into Baishan village for such a long time, but she has never had an opportunity, and this is the best opportunity, although it will take some time.

Yang Zhu's old face smiled and blossomed. He nodded: "well, I'll thank you for the children in the village first." Said to bend over to ningmengyao salute, was ningmengyao to help up.

"Don't you hurt me, village head? You are an elder. Where is the reason for you to salute me? " Ning Mengyao frowned at Yang Zhu and said.

"Well, don't call me the village head, just call me uncle." Yang Zhu said happily.

"Good, uncle."

"Well, I'll tell you something." Then he went out and left Yang Lele in Ning Mengyao's place.

"Yaoyao my father is like this, you don't mind." Yang Lele touched his nose and said awkwardly.

Ning Mengyao gently shook his head: "nothing, Baishan village has such a village head is very good."

Yang Lele's face was happy. Someone praised her father more than her, but she frowned a little when she thought of one thing.

"Yao Yao, do you know why we know that you teach dog children how to read?" Yang Lele suddenly asked.

Ningmengyao is also very strange: "why?"

"It's not because of Yang Xiuer." Yang Lele said a word reluctantly.

Ning Mengyao had some accidents: "she? What did she do? "

Seeing that Ning Mengyao asked, Yang Lele told her what Yang Xiuer had done.

With a scornful smile, what kind of person is Yang Xiuer? She has already known how to get along with her in this period of time, so she is not surprised to have such a thing. But for her, Yang Xiuer has also done a good thing, which can make her integrate into Baishan village as soon as possible.

"By the way, how many bunches are you going to accept?" Yang Lele suddenly thought of this. Just now her father ran away without asking, which was really helpless.

"I'm not going to take it. I'm just free to teach them how to read, and I don't want the money." Ningmengyao shakes her head gently. She doesn't eat by corset, but the money is very precious to the people in the village. It may be a month or even longer.

Yang Lele looked at Ning Mengyao with a complicated look. She knew that Ning Mengyao was very good, but she was so ashamed of herself.

"It's nice for Yaoyao to know you."

"I'm going to town tomorrow morning. Are you going?" Ning Mengyao looks at Yang Lele and asks. She remembers that Yang Lele's embroidery work seems to have been finished.

Yang Lele quickly nodded: "I want to go, my embroidery work has been finished, I want to sell, and then take some back to do, then you can help me draw some patterns Yuri Huang?"

"Then you will bring it. By the way, is there a carpenter in the village?" Ning Mengyao suddenly thought that there were not enough desks and chairs at home. To teach children how to read, they had to prepare them first.

"I know. You come with me."

They walked towards the village together. When they went to the village, they didn't see any figures. When they came to the door of Yang Lele's house, they saw that there were people inside. There were still voices in the crowd. They both heard that they were talking about the topic that Ning Mengyao agreed to teach the children how to read and count.