Across the crowd, Yang Zhu saw Ning Mengyao and hurriedly called people in to explain to the villagers.

"Mengyao girl, do you really want to teach children to read?" I can read and count. When I grow up, I can be an accountant. I have a lot of money. I feel excited when I think about it.

"Well, I promised the village head uncle to teach the children how to read and calculate. But if you want to let the children test for talent, then you can see whether the children's talent can be sent to the school." Although ningmengyao is not so enthusiastic, he still explains it to the villagers.

"Then this corset..."

"I'm not going to accept your corset. You'll keep the money for your children to buy some ink and calligraphy, or some delicious tonic for their children." Ning Mengyao saw the dog children looking at her eagerly, and seemed to understand that they could really learn to read.

When they heard this, they were shocked. They couldn't believe to see Ning Mengyao. She didn't accept their corset? This... This...

"Girl, you..."

"Uncle, it doesn't matter. I'm only an amateur. If you can teach me, please don't dislike my bad teaching." Ningmengyao smiled a little, like the spring breeze, making everyone warm.


"That's right, then we'll thank you first."

"No, but the children will not be delivered until they are five years old." Ning Mengyao made a request when he thought of the time when the children in his previous life really enlightened.

"Why?" Some family members are puzzled to ask.

"The age of five is the age of enlightenment, and five-year-old children have a qualitative, can sit." Ning Mengyao patiently explains why she said that.

As soon as they heard it, they thought that it was true that the child was too young to sit and play, so they understood.

Ning Mengyao smiles at them. Yang Lele is going to see the carpenter's house in the village.

"Grandpa Yao and Li is a carpenter. His carpentry is very good." Yang Lele pointed to an old man not far away from them and smiled.

Hearing Yang Lele say that he is, old man Li looks up at Ning Mengyao and says, "what do you want to do, girl?"

"I want to make some tables and chairs. I don't have so many at home." Ningmengyao has some helpless words.

"Hi, what do I think it is? It's a big deal. My two sons and I will make the tables and chairs these two days. You can rest assured." Li said directly.

He has two grandchildren, one is seven years old and the other is five years old. He can send them to read. Of course, he is willing to help him.

"Grandpa Li, let's go to your house first. Let me tell you what kind of table I want to make."

"Cheng, I'll go with girl Mengyao at the pillar." Old Li turned to tell Yang Zhu.


As the old and the young turned around and left, the rest of the people began to talk about each other. Their faces were all excited. Some of them told their children that they must read well with Ning Mengyao.

Ningmengyao comes to old Li's house. There are two middle-aged men in it. They seem to be making furniture.

"Dad, are you back? What did the village head say? " They didn't go to see the furniture because they were in a rush.

"Lin'er and Xiaomu in our family can read." Old Li is happy to think of it.

When the two men heard this, they immediately put down the things in their hands and asked Old Li what was going on. After hearing old Li's words, the eyes of the two men looking at Ning Mengyao were shining.

"Grandpa Li, let's talk about the tables and chairs first?" Being looked at with such burning eyes, Ning Mengyao felt embarrassed.

As soon as old Li heard this, he thought about it. He called Ning Mengyao and discussed it with the old and the young. Under the guidance of Ning Mengyao, old Li quickly made a set of folding tables and chairs.

"That's it. I need 15 tables for Grandpa Li and 30 chairs for the time being. How much is it?" Ningmengyao is very satisfied with the table and chair. She looks up at old man Li and asks.

Old Li waved: "how can I ask you for money? If you teach your children to read without any restraint, we'll have to work hard. "

"Yeah, girl, you just look down on us." The two men on the edge are also disgruntled.

They also want to send their son to school, but it's too expensive. Now that their son has the chance to read, they are happy.