"When Yao Yao and I can embroider large pieces, will you teach me?" Yang Lele looks forward to seeing Ning Mengyao.

She has learned a lot from Ning Mengyao. She hasn't had a plenary session yet. What she has to do now is to consolidate these stitches, and then she can embroider large pieces. Then she can learn other stitches.


The reason why Ning Mengyao agreed to teach Yang Lele is that she and Yang Xiuer are not at the same level. She knows what she should get and what she shouldn't get. She doesn't want to be greedy like Yang Xiuer. She wants to take everything as her own, but Yang Lele doesn't. She only asks to learn new things after her original things are fully penetrated. This is also her joy The reason why Yi and Yang Lele got to know each other.

When Yang Lele heard this, he jumped up happily: "Wow, it's really great."

"Next time you can bring some pillow towels and other things back to embroider." Yang Lele now embroiders the handbag handkerchief, but her craftsmanship has been able to control the pillow towels, which are not small and small embroideries.

"Good." Yang Lele believes in Ning Mengyao's words as long as she says it.

They talked and laughed in the yard, leaving Yang Xiuer behind.

"Niang, I just know that ningmengyao used to have a lot of things. I asked her to teach me that she refused." Thinking of these, Yang Xiuer felt that there was a fire in her heart, which was about to burn her to death.

Roche looked at his daughter in surprise, and asked unexpectedly, "how could this happen? Is there any reason? "

Yang Xiuer snorted: "what's the reason? It's all Yang Lele's fault. " Outside, Yang Xiuer is a obedient, sensible and polite child, but in private, she is a bit sour.

"What's wrong with Yang Lele? It's also the daughter of the village head. If someone knows about it, do you want to be better?" Roche quickly covers her daughter's mouth.

In this way, it's OK to talk about it in your own house. If someone hears about it, it's too much to eat.

Yang Lele is very favored at home, not only the village head and his wife, but also his brother and sister-in-law.

"Mother, I just don't believe it." Yang Xiuer also knew that she had said the wrong thing, and said with a cold face.

Is there anything she can't compare with Yang Lele? She is better looking than Yang Lele, and her embroidery work is better than Yang Lele. Why is Yang Lele's family background better than her and her life better?

"I know that as long as you can learn all the skills of ningmengyao, and have the ability to make money, then you can marry a good family..." As soon as Roche thinks of these things, she is very high-performance. Her daughter has the ability, and she can show off that she is not. You need to know that she is such a woman.

Yang Xiuer nodded shyly, and then thought of ningmengyao's attitude. She was disappointed: "but ningmengyao didn't want to teach me better needlework at all. She said she couldn't pass it on."

"She said that if she didn't do it, she wouldn't do it?"? We are trying to find a way to make her teach you. " Roche comforts his daughter, but doesn't think that an orphan can have much ability.

Yang Xiuer looks at her mother and doesn't believe Roche very much.

But Ning Mengyao did want to learn and learn more skills and earn more money. So it's not too late for Ning Mengyao to teach her how to embroider.

I didn't know that Yang Lele and Ning Mengyao had such a good relationship in the past. Now I know that Yang Xiuer is worried that Ning Mengyao will alienate herself because of Yang Lele, so it's not worth the loss, so she has to find a way quickly.

When Yang Xiuer is thinking about how to teach Ning Mengyao, Ning Mengyao is pointing out Yang Lele's needlework and is still on the screen she embroiders.

"Is Yao Yao like this?" Embroidered some, Yang Lele looked up at Ning Mengyao, some uneasy asked.

She was afraid that she had embroidered it wrong and damaged her screen.