Ningmengyao looked at it and nodded softly: "it's like this, but it's still a little strange. Next time you go to get those pillow towels and come back, you can use this embroidery method. Right should be practice."

She took the embroidery needle from Yang Lele's hand, sat down after she got up, and began to embroider the few screens left.

While embroidering, she tells Yang Lele why she does it.

Yang Lele listened very carefully. He would ask questions if he didn't understand. With such a learning attitude, Ning Mengyao nodded with satisfaction.

One afternoon, Ning Mengyao embroidered the screen completely. Yang Lele looked at her eyes full of love: "it's beautiful."

"You can embroider it later. Don't worry." Fold up the screen in her hand and put it aside. Ning Mengyao saw that her eyes were full of joy and joked.

Some embarrassed touch their nose, Yang Lele silly to Ning Mengyao smile: "I just like, and I'm not in a hurry, you can teach me so much I have been very satisfied." Compared with Yang Xiuer, Mengyao really taught her a lot. She should be satisfied.

"Well, it's time for the children to have a rest tomorrow. Let's go to town together." Looking at Yang Lele's satisfied appearance, Ning Mengyao shakes her head gently. This is Yang Lele, who knows how to be satisfied.

Yang Lele nodded quickly.

The next morning, Yang Lele knocked on Ning Mengyao's house, but there was a man behind him, Yang Xiuer.

"Mengyao, I want to go with you. I have finished my embroidery work." Yang Xiuer's hands are gently wringing, and she looks at Ning Mengyao uneasily.

Yang Lele in Yang Xiuer can't see the place, Chong Ning Mengyao curled his lips, which are dissatisfied, she won't go? Why follow them? It's so annoying.

Ning Mengyao nodded to Yang Xiuer and turned to see Yang Lele. "Lele, you came here so early. Did you have breakfast?"

"I have." Knowing that she was going to town today, her mother got up early in the morning to cook for her and came here after eating.

As soon as Ning Mengyao heard this, she locked the door with her own things. That attitude made Yang Xiuer's face very ugly.

This morning, Roche asked her to eat at home. She didn't, so she thought of coming to ningmengyao to eat. We need to know that the food here is delicious.

But now not only didn't eat, the other side didn't even ask her.

Yang Lele saw Yang Xiuer as if she had been struck by thunder. She couldn't help but secretly smiled. She deserved to see if she would follow.

That's what she said on purpose. If she didn't eat, she said she did. Otherwise, Ning Mengyao would definitely ask her to go in for dinner. Wouldn't Yang Xiuer go too? Yang Lele is still familiar with Yang Xiuer's character. She must have come here without eating. She wants to take advantage of Yao Yao.

"Then let's go. When I came here, I saw a bullock cart going to town." Yang Lele took Ning Mengyao 's arm and said with a smile. He looked at Yang Xiuer while talking. That meaning was very obvious.

Yang Xiuer's face was blue with Yang Lele's anger, and she gave Yang Lele a hard look, but she couldn't find that people didn't look at her at all.

Sitting on the bullock cart, Yang Lele kept chatting with Ning Mengyao. Yang Xiuer couldn't even talk to Ning Mengyao. Finally, he said angrily to Yang Lele, "can't you be quiet? It's too noisy. "

"I'm talking to Yao Yao. Do you want to take care of me? Don't listen to me if you are not happy. Yaoyao didn't say anything. What are you saying here? " Yang Lele snorted and looked at Yang Xiuer with great dissatisfaction.

What's wrong with talking to Yao Yao? What's the matter with her? Don't think she doesn't know what she's thinking.

Ningmengyao's eyes flashed a little smile. Yang Lele's so funny. But it's just such a person. Only when you get along can you feel more comfortable.

"Yang Lele, don't go too far."

"How can I go too far?" Yang Lele looks at Yang Xiuer innocently and says she doesn't understand what she is talking about.

Yang Xiu'er holds her sleeve tightly and takes a look at Ning Mengyao. However, she doesn't seem to see it. She just sits quietly on one side.