Her attitude annoyed Yang Xiuer even more. She pointed to Ning Mengyao and said, "are you looking at her bullying me like this?"

That points to own finger, let Ning Mengyao squint slightly, in the eye has the cold chill: "to tell the truth is to bully you?"

After touching ningmengyao's eyes, Yang Xiuer points to ningmengyao's subordinates and puts down their consciousness. The eyes are terrible.

"I I... "

"Yao Yao, don't be angry. We will ignore her." Yang Lele reached out and held Ning Mengyao's hand. She felt that her hand was slightly stiff and her face was ugly. She immediately knew that Yang Xiuer's attitude towards her made her unhappy.

In fact, Yang Lele guessed only half right. The tone of Yang Xiuer's questioning really made Ning Mengyao uncomfortable, but it was Yang Xiuer who pointed to her hand that made her uncomfortable.

No matter in the past or in this life, no one dares to point her hand in front of her.

After this topic, every time Yang Xiu'er wants to talk to Ning Mengyao, she will think of her cold eyes, and immediately her careful thinking stops.

After arriving in the town, Ning Mengyao helped Yang Lele give the car money, and didn't pay attention to Yang Xiuer at all.

With such an obvious attitude, Yang Xiuer's face turned white. She didn't bring money today, so she wanted Ning Mengyao to help.

So in the sight of the driver, Yang Xiuer looked at Ning Mengyao in embarrassment: "Mengyao, can you help me pay for the car?" When she said that, Yang Xiuer felt that her face was burning, which was a shame.

Ning Mengyao looks at Yang Xiu'er with a smile and a sneer in her eyes. Without waiting for her to speak, Yang Lele is not happy: "why should Yao Yao pay you?"

"Why can't she pay for me?" Yang Xiuer looks at Yang Lele unconvinced, and reminds Ning Mengyao not to treat her like this.

Yang Lele snorted: "every time I come to town with Yao Yao, she pays when she comes. When I go back, I pay. Do you want to invite Yao Yao to pay you for dinner?" She dislikes Yang Xiuer most, who always wants to take advantage of Ning Mengyao.

"I don't have any money today. I'll give it back to you later." Yang Xiuer is embarrassed, but more angry. She thinks that Ning Mengyao is too much. Since she doesn't lack this money, how can she not pay for her.

But why doesn't she think about her relationship with others and why should they pay for her?

Ning Mengyao looks at Yang Xiuer, takes out two Wen money and hands it to the old man who drives the car, and pulls Yang Lele to turn around and leave.

Ning Mengyao didn't feel anything, but Yang Lele was not happy and said, "why do you help her pay for the car? I think she just wants to take advantage of you without money. " This time, it's OK twice. It's going to take a lot of times. People will take it for granted.

"Will I do something to lose?" Ning Mengyao looks at Yang Xiu'er who is not with them all the way after she pays.

Yang Lele thought for a moment, then shook his head: "OK, but you can't do it again next time, otherwise people think you are easy to bully." Yang Lele muttered discontentedly.

Nodding gently, Ning Mengyao knew that Yang Lele was for her own good, and she and Yang LeLe always came to the town the same way that Yang Lele said, when they came, they gave it to themselves, and when they returned, they gave it to her.

Every time she wants to help Yang Lele give money, she doesn't agree with her. She also says that even if they are good friends, they can't always take advantage of her.

"Let's go. I'll take you to the shop where I sell embroidery." Yang Lele's clear appearance of score is not disliked by Ning Mengyao, but he thinks it's very good. However, friends really care too much. Fortunately, as long as money is not involved, Yang Lele still doesn't care so much.

After Ning Mengyao's death, Yang Lele came to the embroidery shop she said, and found that it was the best one in the town.