Yang Lele was worried. He reached out and pulled Ning Mengyao's sleeve: "can I do it?"

"Don't worry about it. Let's go." Placatory clapped Yang Lele's hand, Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

She has seen all the embroidery works of Yang Lele. They are very good. They can be sold here, but she is not confident.

"Ah, isn't it Mengyao? What good things have you brought to me this time? " The owner's mother of xiuzhuang saw that ningmengyao's eyes were shining. Previously, ningmengyao sent a screen, which was very good. The price she gave ningmengyao was high, but she sold it higher. Someone had asked if there was still one before, but ningmengyao had not come, so she could only be disappointed.

"Aunt Luo, there are some things at home recently, so I'm late. This time it's still a screen. Lele is the owner's wife's family name, Luo. Just call her aunt Luo." Ning Mengyao introduced Yang Lele to Aunt Luo.

Yang Lele cried out a little cramped, "good aunt Luo."

That some timid eyes, let aunt Luo couldn't help laughing: "this girl is too shy, but is a good child, let's first look at the screen, recite the old words for a while."


Ning Mengyao takes out the screen, which is a picture of a lady holding a fan.

Aunt Luo turns her head and looks at Ning Mengyao: "are you not finished with the screen?"

"Well, there are eighteen pictures of this lady, only one of them." Ning Mengyao embroidered one of the eighteen hairpins in Jinling.

"That's great." Just this pair of screens, aunt Luo can see that the whole set of screens is extraordinary. If they are all out, even if they are not sold, it will be very good to put them in her shop for publicity.

Thinking of this, aunt Luo had a problem, looking at Ning Mengyao: "aunt Luo, the screen of Mengyao, asked for a price of one hundred Liang for you."

"Well, I'll take about a month and a half for a pair."

"I have time to wait. It's a living sign when it's hung in the shop." Aunt Luo said her plan directly and generously.

Ning Mengyao couldn't help laughing, while Yang Lele was completely stupid. A pair of screens? If all 18 of them are embroidered, then it's 1800 Liang? When is embroidery so valuable.

After selling her screen, Ning Mengyao took out the purse and handkerchief embroidered by Yang Lele and put them on one side of the cabinet: "aunt Luo, please help me to have a look, don't look at my face and deliberately give me an evaluation, in your eyes." She wants Yang Lele to find confidence and know that her embroidery is actually very good.

Aunt Luo looked at Ning Mengyao, and Yang Lele, who was uneasy, immediately understood her meaning.

I took all the bags and pads and looked at them, from needlework to patterns.

Pick out some of them, point to them and say: "these stitches are still a little rusty, and the embroidered patterns are not as clever as others, but the rest are very good. The array, pattern and color matching are all very good, I want them all, but these are not good." Aunt Luo shook her head with the ones she had picked out before.

In addition to these several remaining lotus bags and handkerchiefs, they are all embroidered very brilliantly. I think it's because Ning Mengyao taught her again.

When Yang Lele heard Luo's comments, he was worried, but when he heard Luo's comments, people were stupid and didn't seem to understand the situation.

Seeing her like this, Ning Mengyao explained to Aunt Luo, "when I came here, she was worried about her embroidery work."

"So it is. This is your apprentice?" Aunt Luo laughed and joked. Judging from the needlework, this girl is very talented and a good seedling.

"Half an apprentice, but we are good friends. I will trouble aunt Luo to take care of Lele in the future." Ning Mengyao's smile was gentle.