Aunt Luo naturally would like to. Although Yang Lele's embroidery work is only medium-sized in her eyes, it's only a matter of time before the master Ning Mengyao wants to become brilliant. When he takes the lead, it's not him who will benefit?

Yang Lele once heard that Ning Mengyao told aunt Luo that she would take care of herself, and her eyes turned red: "thank you, Yaoyao."

"We are friends, thank you. You talk to Aunt Luo. I'll choose embroidered cloth and thread." Ningmengyao pulls Yang Lele to Aunt Luo's face and lets them talk about it by themselves. Instead, they go to one side and start to choose.

Yang Lele didn't ask too much. In this way, aunt Luo gave her a surprise price, which was more than twice what she had sold before.

"Aunt Luo here..."

"Although aunt Luo means to look at Mengyao's face, you should believe in Lele. Your embroidery is worth this price."

Yang Lele was still a little uneasy, and even some of them said in a low mood, "but they didn't say well about my embroidery work before."

Aunt Luo looked at Yang Lele in tears and smiles, reached out and patted her on the shoulder, pointed to Ning Mengyao, who was being selected. "You have such a master to teach you, do you think your embroidery work will be bad? I'm afraid those people want to kill you and make you appreciate selling embroidery to them. "

As soon as Yang Lele heard it, it seemed that Yao Yao was so powerful. She said she had no problem, and aunt Luo said she had no problem, so she could do it.

"Thank you, aunt Luo." Yang Lele blushed a little embarrassed.

"Well, here's the money for your embroidery. Take it." Pass almost one or two to Yang Lele.

Yang Lele took the money in his hand, and his eyes were full of joy. It was wonderful: "aunt Luo, Yao Yao said that I can embroider pillowcases and other embroideries. Can I take some?"

"Of course, I happen to have some here. They are xipa in marriage. Come with me." As soon as aunt Luo heard this, she hurriedly pulled Yang Lele over.

The embroiderers on her side are all embroidered big pieces. Like xipa, few people like to spend time on embroidery, but the price is not high. She is worried about finding no one. No, someone will send a pillow when she sleeps.

Yang Lele looks at the pillowcases in his hand. There are six sets of pillowcases, including mandarin ducks playing in the water, lotus blossoming, and dragon and Phoenix Chengxiang.

"Does aunt Luo need time?"

"Don't worry, there are more than two months left. It's enough for you to embroider." Aunt Luo understands Yang Lele's meaning. She is probably worried about her poor embroidery and can't catch up with the time.

Yang Lele was relieved immediately. When Ning Mengyao picked it up, he saw that Yang Lele had six sets of pillowcases in his hand. It was not difficult to have a look. It was just the right time to practice for Yang Lele.

"It's good for you to embroider now."

"That's what aunt enrol said." Yang Lele said with a smile that he was very happy. Later, his embroidery came here to sell. It's all thanks to Yao Yao.

Both of them have already selected their things. Ning Mengyao paid for them, while Yang Lele originally wanted a deposit. Aunt Luo didn't accept it for Ning Mengyao's face.

I saw Yang Xiuer not far away from xiuzhuang. Her face was not very beautiful, especially her eyes.

She saw just now that Ning Mengyao took Yang Lele to the best luoyunxuan instead of her own. The price of embroidery there is much higher than that in other places.

"Ning Mengyao, why don't you take her to luoyunxuan?" Yang Xiuer stood in front of Ning Mengyao and asked.

"Why should I take you?" Ning Mengyao looks at Yang Xiuer calmly and asks.

She takes Yang Lele because Yang Lele is her recognized friend. She hopes that Yang Lele can earn more money and have a better life. But what is Yang Xiuer? be insatiably avaricious.

Yang Xiuer turned away with a stiff face, her face blue and purple.

Yang Lele frowned at her: "Yao Yao, am I causing you trouble?"

"It's OK. Your embroidery can meet the requirements of luoyunxuan, so I'll bring you here and introduce it to Aunt Luo. But she can't. Even if I take her to Aunt Luo, I feel uncomfortable." She doesn't like Yang Xiuer's embroidery.