She also taught her a lot of things, but Yang Xiuer's embroidered things are very rigid and have no aura at all. It's strange that Aunt Luo would willingly accept such things.

But Yang Lele can't. Yang Lele is very gifted. As long as she has more adjustment, she can become a master. And aunt Luo is also interested in this. She gives her face and benefits Yang Lele at the same time.

Yang Lele laughs. Yang Xiuer has always said how good her embroidery is. But she didn't expect her embroidery to be criticized by Yaoyao.

What they didn't know was that after they left, Yang Xiuer took her own embroidery work to luoyunxuan, and wanted to use ningmengyao's identity to sell the embroidery work.

But I didn't expect that Aunt Luo would have nothing to do with her attack, so I took my own things with me and sold them to another family.

Seeing Yang Xiuer leave, she had seen this person before. She came with Ning Mengyao. At that time, she thought that Ning Mengyao would introduce her, but she didn't. moreover, she couldn't do her embroidery.

The needlework seems to have been learned from Ning Mengyao, but it's extremely rigid and inflexible. There's no way to compare it with Yang Lele.

Today, Yang Lele was very happy to earn money. He said that he would invite Ning Mengyao to eat delicious food.

At last, two people ate a bowl of chaos at a roadside food stall, but the taste was really good.

"Yao Yao, do you want to buy anything else?"

"I don't have any rice noodles at home." She just eats by herself. She doesn't buy a lot of rice every time, so she often buys rice again.

"Then let's go."

When they came to the rice shop, they bought ten jin of rice noodles and some pork bones.

"What do you buy this bone for? No meat. " Yang Lele looks at the bone in Ning Mengyao's hand. She doesn't understand why she paid for it. Others feed the dog.

Ning Mengyao whispered a few words in Yang Lele's ear and saw Yang Lele look at her with wide eyes: "really?"

"Of course, can I cheat you?"

"Then I'll buy some back to make soup." Said also took two stick bone, that bone how much or some flesh above, two also two Wen money.

After buying all the things they need to buy, they are ready to go back. When they get to the gate of the town, the driver has been waiting there, but Yang Xiuer is not there.

"Let's go."

Back home, Ning Mengyao taught Yang Lele how to boil bone soup and gave her some seasoning powder.

"Is it really as good as you said?" Yang Lele asked with some uncertainty.

Ningmengyao nodded: "it's good for children and old people to drink more bone soup. If you think it's just bone that's not good, you can add some yam or radish."

"Well, I'll try that at night." Seeing that Ning Mengyao said that, Yang Lele no longer doubted it. He took his own things and went back, and told Ning Mengyao to come to her tomorrow to do embroidery.

When she got home, Yang Lele couldn't wait to pull her mother happily and said, "mother, I sold a silver or two in purse and handkerchief this time."

"Ah? Tanto? Didn't they all write more than 300 words before? " Yang's mother, Yang Lele's mother, asked when she couldn't believe it.

Yang Lele tells Yang family about Ning Mengyao's taking her to luoyunxuan. Yang family laughs and says, "since Mengyao's child intends to help you, you need to be careful about embroidery, but you can't lose her face."

"Mom, I know. I will." Yang Lele nodded seriously. Of course, she knew that ningmengyao was helping her, or she would not take her to luoyunxuan.

Yang Xiuer, who also came back home, was not as happy as Yang Lele. As long as she thought about the insults she had suffered in luoyunxuan, as long as Ning Mengyao took Yang Lele to luoyunxuan and introduced her to the boss inside, she hated her.

"Xiuer, what's wrong with you? Didn't you go to town with them? " Roche saw the woman come back, but also a look of anger, some strange asked.

It's OK not to mention this. When it comes to this, Yang Xiuer's anger in her eyes becomes more obvious, and she glares at her mother.

"Don't mind."

Roche choked, looked at Yang Xiuer and got angry, looked at the child and was not happy, came to ask, but was her wrong?