"Xiuer, what did you say? Tell my mother what happened. " Roche stares at her daughter. Although Yang Xiuer doesn't speak well to her, she is reluctant to beat or scold Yang Xiuer.

Seeing that Roche really cares about herself, Yang Xiu'er doesn't want to see her own jokes. She also knows that she just went too far and said wrongly, "how can nianning Mengyao treat me like that?" Thinking of what happened in the town, she was wronged.

First because of the car money, let her lose face in front of others, and then hurt her to lose face in luoyunxuan, all these are Ning Mengyao's fault.

"Ah? What's going on here? " Looking at his daughter's tears, Roche was in a hurry and asked.

Yang Xiuer tells Roche what happened in the town. Roche can still hear this, but it's two Wen money. She doesn't have it. How can she lose face to her daughter like this? That's too much.

And why doesn't she take her daughter to luoyunxuan?

Thinking of this, Roche's eyes are full of anger, and Yang Xiuer is going to find Ning Mengyao: "let's go and find that little bitch. My mother will ask why she treats you like this."

If it had been before, Yang Xiuer would have gone, but now she dare not, afraid that the two would go on like this. At that time, not only did she not find ningmengyao's trouble, but she also put herself in.

Stop and hold Roche's hand. Yang Xiuer calms down: "Niang, we can't go to Ning Mengyao now. I'll air her for a few days first." At that time, she will go to find Ning Mengyao and have something to say.

At this time, I have something to say to others.

As soon as Roche heard this, he felt that his daughter was also right, and then he agreed: "it's up to you to do it, but this grievance is how you suffer?"

Yang Xiu'er sneers and lets her suffer such grievances? How is this possible? After digging out the secrets of ningmengyao, she will let ningmengyao know the consequences of offending herself.

For the calculation of the mother and daughter, Ning Mengyao naturally does not know. She is embroidering the cloth to trace the pattern.

Yang Xiu'er deliberately dried Ning Mengyao for a few days. She didn't come to see her for a long time. This day, with a smile on her face, Yang Xiu'er came to find Ning Mengyao with her own embroidery work.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw that Ning Mengyao was giving lessons to the children, and I was immediately dissatisfied: "what are you doing there, Mengyao? Come and let's do embroidery together."

Ning Mengyao looks at Yang Xiuer like an idiot. How does she grow up to now? She is such a fool.

Now, ningmengyao teaches children to read and read. Sometimes it's OK. The villagers will come to listen, but they all stand outside and listen quietly. Now it's OK. As soon as Yang Xiuer comes, she wants to interrupt ningmengyao's class. She also wants ningmengyao to let go of what she's teaching children to read and do embroidery with her.

It's the children's business.

The woman who listened to Ning Mengyao's lecture outside was not willing to do so. She came in from the door and looked at Yang Xiuer and said, "Xiuer girl has been so long. You should know that the time in the morning is when Mengyao teaches children to read and read. Do you think it is more important for her to let go of her work and do embroidery work with you than to teach children to read and read?"

"I mean, didn't you see that the children were studying seriously? What are you doing up here? "

"I I... " Yang Xiu'er was scolded by others. She turned to Ning Mengyao and saw that Ning Mengyao looked at herself with indifferent eyes, as if it had nothing to do with her.

"Don't be angry, everyone. Let's go on." Ning Mengyao calmed the angry women and looked at Yang Xiuer. "I hope you are quiet."

Then he looked at the children and asked them to turn over their books to continue their lessons, while Yang Xiuer blushed.

Now it's still early. Ning Mengyao taught the children some words and then arithmetic. He didn't assign homework until noon to let them go back from school.

For ningmengyao's teaching method, the children are particularly fond of it. They can play in the afternoon, and have fun and study at the same time when they have a rest.