After the children left, Ning Mengyao began to clean up the desks and chairs in the yard. Seeing that Ning Mengyao didn't care about herself, Yang Xiu'er got angry and went to her side and yanked the desks and chairs she was carrying to the ground.

"What do you mean, Ning Mengyao? Are you happy to see me make a fool of myself? " Yang Xiuer angrily accuses Ning Mengyao.

In the town, no one in the village sees it, she can take it as not happening, but in the village, how can she take it as not happening? She can be sure that as soon as those people go back to the village, they will all know about it.

Ningmengyao turns around and looks at Yang Xiuer. Her face is calm, and there is no sign of anger. But that's the way, Yang Xiuer shivers.

"I look so bullied?"

"I Mengyao, I am not... " Yang Xiuer's subconscious opening explains.

Ning Mengyao smiled sarcastically, stooped to pick up the tables and chairs on the ground: "I don't want to see you in my house later, understand?"

Yang Xiuer's face turned white. "Mengyao, I didn't mean to. Don't be angry."

"Yao Yao, I've come to see you." Yang Lele ran over with her embroidery work. When she came in, she saw Yang Xiuer holding Ning Mengyao's hand and her face turned white.

I looked at Yang Xiu'er and asked, "what's wrong with Yao Yao?"

"It's OK, Yang Xiuer. I hope you remember what I said." Then he began to clean up the tables and chairs.

When Yang Lele saw it, he put his embroidery basket on the table beside him to help Ning Mengyao clean it up.

When they were cleaning up their desks and chairs, Yang Xiuer saw the things in Yang Lele's embroidered basket. They were all big pieces for her, such as pillows. Looking at the pillows with mandarin ducks playing in the water, Yang Xiuer's face suddenly turned ugly.

All this must be because of ningmengyao, or Yang Lele's embroidery skills, how could it be embroidered.

Jealousy and hatred grow in her heart. Yang Xiuer seems to tear all these things in the embroidering basket into pieces in the past, but she has to bear it.

When they packed up and walked out, Yang Xiuer looked at the embroidery work in Yang Lele's Embroidery basket with critical eyes: "if you take this to do it, you won't be afraid to damage it. Do you have to lose money at last?"

If it was in the past, Yang Lele would have been worried and not confident, but now it's not the past. She won't believe what Yang Xiuer said.

"Losing money is my own business, and I will not take your money." Yang Lele curled his mouth and snorted.

Yang Xiuer looks at Yang Lele in surprise. If she had said that before, she would have been afraid. But now, instead of worrying, she has come to refute herself.

At a glance of Ning Mengyao standing on the edge, Yang Xiu'er knows what's going on. If Ning Mengyao helps, she will be able to embroider it.

Looking at Ning Mengyao, Ning Mengyao looked at Yang Lele as soon as he was about to open his mouth. "Lele, let's go to the mountain to pick up some mushrooms today. There are not many in our family."

Yang Lele's eyes were purring and nodding: "well, wait for me. I'll go back and get a basket." With that, he took his embroidery basket and turned back.

After Yang Lele left, Yang Xiuer looked at Ning Mengyao and said, "are you going to help her embroider these pillow towels?"

As for Yang Xiuer's questions, Ning Mengyao simply ignored them. She was just idle and always came to find her own troubles.

Seeing that Ning Mengyao doesn't take care of herself, Yang Xiu'er subconsciously thinks that this is her default, and the anger in her heart can't be suppressed any longer. She stares at Ning Mengyao fiercely: "you don't want to teach me the needlework, but help Yang Lele do the embroidery work. How can Ning Mengyao do this?"

Ning Mengyao looks at Yang Xiu'er speechless. This man's brain is so wide open that he even thinks that what should she say when she comes here.

"Lele doesn't need my help if she has her own hands. If you come to do embroidery, I'm sorry. We're going to the mountain, so we won't keep you." He went into the kitchen and cooked some food casually. When Yang Lele came, he asked her to have dinner together and they went out together.