Yang Xiu'er doesn't want to go, but what they say is so obvious. If she doesn't go, it seems that she can't. now she leaves with a gloomy face.

When they got to the foot of the mountain, Yang Lele turned to look at Yang Xiuer and saw her angry back, not to mention how happy she was.

"Pissed her off."

"Well, let's go." Ning Mengyao laughingly shakes her head, and Yang Lele is not tired of such things. She is not very interested.

In fact, Yang Xiuer is just like that, but she is greedy.

Hehe smiled. Yang Lele didn't say anything more. They wandered on the mountain. It rained before, and there were some mushrooms on the mountain. Although there were not many mushrooms, they still picked up a lot in the afternoon, which made Yang Lele very happy. Although they didn't do embroidery today.

Originally, Ning Mengyao thought that Yang Xiuer would not come for a long time after this event. Who knew that she would come again the next morning? When she was in class, she was doing her own embroidery work at the same time, which is the case every day.

This makes ningmengyao pick a eyebrow slightly. She can't help being curious. What's her idea?

Although curious, Ning Mengyao did not pay too much attention to Yang Xiuer, but began to embroider her own screen.

Every time when embroidering the screen, Yang Xiu'er always looks at her with shining eyes, which she knows, but if she wants to learn the needlework, Yang Xiu'er must understand it.

Sure enough, after watching for a long time, Yang Xiuer could not see the truth clearly.

Want to ask, but in the face that sees Ning Mengyao to do embroidering work conscientiously, words have not asked, and how can she ask? Don't you just tell people that you embroider slowly for me to see, so she can't say even if she has thick skin.

It is because of this that Yang Xiuer is just like a cat scratching her heart at the moment. Her heart is itchy, but she can't ask.

Always in the heart that suffering, only she can understand.

Ning Mengyao's eyes flashed a flash of sarcasm. She didn't know that Yang Xiuer was staring at her all the time? Of course, if you want to learn these needlework skills, you have to see if her eyes can keep up.

In the afternoon, the two were at peace, but the atmosphere was strange.

When Yang Xiuer could not stand to ask, Yang Lele suddenly ran over in a panic: "Yao Yao Yao, help me, please, help me."

Ning Mengyao looked at Yang Lele strangely, put down the needle and thread in her hand, and patted her shoulder peacefully: "don't worry, slowly say, what's the matter?"

From the beginning of knowing Yang Lele, she knew that Yang Lele was a very optimistic person. Now, seeing her in such a hurry, something must have happened, otherwise she would not be in such a hurry.

Hearing Ning Mengyao's voice, Yang Lele's heart was strangely calmed down, and he put down his worries. His voice choked and said, "Yao Yao Yao's brother is doing work in the town. Something happened and his leg was broken. The doctor said it's very serious. It takes a lot of money, but I I... "

"Well, don't worry. It's nothing that can be solved with money. How much is the difference?" Ningmengyao suddenly understood that it was because there was not enough money at home. She wanted to borrow some from her.

Yang Lele is a very strong person. Even in front of her, she would not have come to find her own if there was no way.

"Thirty two." At first, the doctor said it would cost about fifty-two, but their family has some money these years, which is still thirty-two.

"Don't worry. I'll get it for you." Ning Mengyao patted Yang Lele's hand, comforted him, and turned back to his room to get the money.

Yang Xiu'er can understand. Thirty Liang silver is lent to Ning Mengyao without blinking her eyes. It can be imagined that Ning Mengyao must have a lot of money If...

For a moment, Yang Xiuer's mind became active, and she had some ideas that she shouldn't have.

Soon, Ning Mengyao came out with the money, but there were twenty Liang more. Yang Lele's hand trembled a little. She knew that Ning Mengyao didn't lack money, so she could lend her fifty-two. How could she repay it.

"Well, take it back to treat your brother, and buy more big bones and soup for him to drink. It's good for his injury. The injured should have done a good job. Don't think it can't be returned to me, forget aunt Luo's words? I don't need money urgently. Just give it to me when you have it. " Seeing Yang Lele's tangled face, could Ning Mengyao not understand what she was thinking? Then he said.

Yang Lele's heart bursts of warmth, looking at Ning Mengyao seriously said: "Yaoyao thank you, I will return the money to you as soon as possible, later your business is my business."