"Well, go quickly. Your brother's injury can't be delayed." Ningmengyao smiles and nods, but she doesn't care. What she doesn't know is that Yang Lele will protect ningmengyao all the time, as she said today, and always follow ningmengyao and help her deal with all kinds of things.

After Yang Lele borrowed money from Ning Mengyao, Yang Xiu'er's eyes looked at Ning Mengyao as if she was looking at some treasure. The naked eyes made Ning Mengyao very unhappy.

After seeing Yang Xiuer, Ning Mengyao moved her embroidery frame back, then locked the door and looked at Yang Xiuer, who was still standing in her yard, and said: "if you are OK, you can go."

Yang Xiuer's expression was stiff, and her face was embarrassed. She even drove herself away.

Just to see her going out, Yang Xiuer was angry, but she couldn't say anything. She could only leave with her embroidered basket, but her calculation was no less.

Looking at Yang Xiuer leaving, Ning Mengyao sighed, hoping that she would not offend her head.

Ningmengyao takes some meat and bones bought before and goes to Yang Lele's house. In the past, the doctor was still helping Yang Lele's brother, Yang Yizhi, with his legs.

There is also a strange young woman beside the bed, and a six or seven year old with a child. At first sight, I know that this is Yang Lele's sister-in-law and nephew.

"How is elder brother Lele Yang?" Ning Mengyao hands Yang Lele something and looks at the person on the bed and asks strangely.

Yang Lele shook his head with a wry smile: "I don't know yet. The doctor is helping my eldest brother with his leg."

Ning Mengyao said, looking at the doctor's movements, he did not look like an old doctor no matter what.

He reached out and pulled Yang Lele out. He whispered in his ear and asked, "where are you from, doctor Lele?"

"It was my eldest brother's boss who asked for help. He said he was the best doctor in the town." Yang Lele looked at Ning Mengyao doubtfully: "is there any problem?"

"Of course, there is a problem. If this doctor is really the best doctor, why can't he cure your brother's leg up to now? And I just observed that his movements are very strange, not like the best doctor, but..." Ning Mengyao frowned and looked at Yang Lele and said, "it's like an apprentice who just started."

"What? It can't be true? If so, isn't my eldest brother ruined? No, I have to stop him. " As soon as Yang Lele heard about it, he was caught by Ning Mengyao as soon as he was about to turn around and enter the room.

"What are you in a hurry? You watch here first. I'll go to the town and ask the doctor of Baohetang to come over. Remember that unless you have to let that doctor move your brother's leg." Ningmengyao just wanted to come and have a look. Who knows that he saw such a quack.

Yang Yi's leg is broken. She can see it naturally, but it's not as serious as they say. But if we really let this doctor treat it, it will become serious if it's not serious.

Yang Lele nodded and turned to enter the house. Ning Mengyao went to the village to find the ox cart, went to the town, and then went to Baohetang. He invited the oldest doctor in the village, and then hired a carriage. They drove towards Baishan village.

Just to the door to hear a scream, hear this sound, Ning Mengyao know the end.

"Dr. Li is in trouble for you." Ningmengyao turns her head to look at the old people around her and is worried.

Dr. Li smiled and said, "Miss Ning is very kind. Let's go and have a look soon."

Yang Lele stood at the bedside and looked at the pale Yang Yi. Looking at the doctor who was afraid to move his frightened hand, he thought of Ning Mengyao's words and pointed to the other party's angry voice and said, "you quack."

When the doctor saw Yang Yi's painful appearance, he was scared to death. Now when he heard Yang Lele's words, he fell down and sat on the ground.

"I I... " I knew he would not take the job. It's over.

"You, what are you? I'll tell you that if something happens to my brother, I'll go to the county Lord to sue you. If I can't cure you, I'll run out. It's just a mistake for my life." Yang Lele looked at him like that and knew that ningmengyao's words were true. She could not hate them. She had known that she would not let her do it.

When the Yang Zhu family heard Yang Lele's words, their faces turned white. They now understand that this doctor is not the best doctor in the town at all, but a liar.

When the Yang family didn't know what to do, Ning Mengyao came in with Dr. Li.