"Dr. Li, please show brother Yang first." Ningmengyao ignored the man who fell on the ground, but looked at the doctor Li beside her.

"Don't worry, I'll have a look first." Dr. Li went to the bedside and fumbled gently over Yang Yi's broken leg. He knew that he was an old hand at first glance.

Yang Lele comes to ningmengyao and holds his clothes: "Yaoyao, my brother..."

"Dr. Li is the sitting doctor of Baohetang. His skill is very good. Brother Yang will be OK." Ning Mengyao patted Yang Lele's hand and said comfortingly.

Hearing the three words of Baohetang, Yang Lele became more stable. Who knows that Baohetang's medical skills are the best.

When Yang Zhu and others heard about it, they were quite calm. Their gratitude to Ning Mengyao was self-evident. First, they borrowed so much money from their family, and now they help to call a doctor. How can they repay this feeling?

After checking, Dr. Li frowned and stared at the people on the ground: "if you can't cure, don't move around. You didn't have serious legs. Now you need to keep them in bed for at least two or three months."

This leg was not so serious. It was hurt twice by the quack doctor. Even the leg that was not serious became serious.

Yang's family was angry. They glared at the doctor who was shrinking on the ground. Then they looked at Dr. Li and said, "Dr. Li, please help my son. I'm just a son." Yang Zhu looks at Dr. Li imploringly.

Their family has three generations of single biography. Although this generation is two children, it's just a son. If something happens to the son, how can they live.

"As long as you take good care of your leg injury, it will be better in two or three months and will not affect anything." Dr. Li comforts Yang Zhu's family while he deals with Yang Yi's leg injury.

When the family heard Doctor Li's affirmation, they were relieved. Even Yang Yi, who was already desperate, had a strong light in his eyes. Would his leg be ok? This... That's great.

After Dr. Li dealt with it, he wrote a prescription to the family: "this is the prescription of the previous month. One dose a day. One month later, I will come to see his leg and see the healing condition. Then I will change the prescription."

"OK, thank you, Dr. Li, for your consultation..."

"Five Liang silver."

Five liang? Doesn't it cost a lot of money? Why is that so little?

Seeing their thoughts, Dr. Li touched his beard with a smile and explained: "it's just for my diagnosis. There are some good medicines I prescribe. It costs more than ten liang of silver at least when I take them a month."

As soon as the Yang family heard about it, it turned out that it was so, they quickly handed Dr. Li's diagnosis money to her, and Yang Lele took the prescription and prepared to go to Baohetang to get the medicine. After two steps, he saw the quack on the ground. As soon as his face changed, he grabbed him and went out.

"What are you doing?"

"What? Of course, I want to send you to the government. My brother was not very serious. He was made like this by you. Do you think our family is honest and easy to bully? " Yang Lele glared at him viciously and said angrily.

If Yao Yao didn't invite Dr. Li for them, I'm afraid the elder brother's leg will be really wasted. What can I do for my sister-in-law and nephew?

"No, don't send me to the official. I I will accompany you money. " Said the man anxiously.

Although he can't hurt his broken leg badly, he can still cure other minor ailments. Once he is sent to the government, he will be finished.

Ningmengyao holds Yang Lele's hand and gently shakes her head: "I want you to treat brother Yang. Do you know if you can?"

"Yes." The man didn't want to say, but after seeing Ning Mengyao's cold eyes, he said with a shiver.