If so, Ning Mengyao looked at each other and said in a cold voice, "you can roll away with 20 Liang silver, but you need to help us do one thing."

"You You say. " She had to take out twenty liang of silver at once, which made her suffer a lot. But now she can't do without it. Now she has to admit it.

"It's said that Zhao's family is cheating."

"What? This can't be done, shall I give you thirty-two? " When the doctor heard this, he quickly shook his head. Zhao's house is a big family in the town. He offended people. Can he still beg for it? No, definitely not.

Ningmengyao's eyes narrowed slightly, and he saw that he would rather take out ten Liang more silver than open his mouth to say two words. Now he understood that Zhao's foreign home was not so simple and did not embarrass him.

"If you do such a harmful thing again, don't blame me for not reminding you."

"Yes, I am." Leaving 30 liang of silver, the man ran away at a gallop, as if a dog was chasing him behind.

Yang Lele is still a little unhappy: "Yao Yao just let him go?"

"Otherwise? Even if he is sent to the official, you may not be able to get benefits. At that time, he can say that elder brother Yang is seriously injured. Even if Dr. Li comes to help, if she calls that councillor Zhao, you will suffer the loss. " At the beginning, Ning Mengyao also thought about sending the quack to the official. Later, he thought that the quack was sent by the official Zhao. It's really true that the Yang family is just a common people, and there will only be disaster for their family.

In this way, it's better to take the money and give it to the private. Even if councillor Zhao knows it, he can't say anything. After all, it's not authentic. It's really a fight. Although others don't say it, who dares to work there?

As long as he has a little brain, he can figure it out, so the result is the best.

As soon as Yang Lele heard it, he understood that Ning Mengyao was for their good: "Yaoyao thank you, I'll go to get my brother's medicine first, and you can collect the money."

"No, you take it. Although you can take the medicine quickly, brother Yang has to make up for it. It's not too late for you to return it to me later." Ning Mengyao shakes her head. Yang Yi needs to mend her body so that she can be quick. She is not worried about the money.

When Yang Lele heard this, he also understood the meaning of Ning Mengyao. He smiled and went out with Dr. Li to get Yang Yi's medicine.

After seeing off Dr. Li, Ning Mengyao was ready to go back, but was stopped by Yang Zhu's family. Now, he would kneel down for Ning Mengyao.

In this way, they let ningmengyao be at a loss. They quickly helped Yang Zhu and Yang Shi up: "what are you doing, aunt Yang Shuyang? Isn't that killing me? "

"Miss Mengyao, thanks for your help, thank you, thank you." Yang Zhu is supported by Ning Mengyao to thank him.

If there is no Mengyao girl today, I'm afraid their family will be destroyed.

"Uncle Yang, don't be so polite. You helped me a lot when I first came here. Now Lele and I are friends again. I naturally want to help her when she has something. Don't you see the outside?" Ning Mengyao said helplessly.

When I first came to Baishan village, many people were reluctant to accept her as an outsider. Yang Zhu asked her to settle down in this place and helped her. She always remembered that.

"Thank you, sister." Qiao Shi, Yang Yi's wife, looked at Ning Mengyao gratefully.

"I dare not stay here any more, sister-in-law." Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao's helplessly.

"Thank you, aunt." Yang Zhi, a six or seven year old director, looked up at Ning Mengyao and said earnestly.

Squatting down, he reached out and rubbed his little head: "you're welcome."

After a few words with Yang Zhi, Ning Mengyao told Qiao Shi that he would cook more bone soup and fish soup for Yang Yi in this period of time, so that his injury would be cured faster.

After explaining to them, Ning Mengyao turns to go home.

After that, Yang Lele didn't come to ningmengyao for many days. He probably took care of Yang Yi at home. Ningmengyao just smiled and said nothing about it. Yang Zhi was also sent to her by Yang Zhu to read. Although he came late, he was very smart and could keep up with some.