"She? How could she? No, I'm going to find her. " When Yang Lele heard this, he would stand up to find Yang Xiuer, but he was stopped by Ning Mengyao.

Now when I go to find Yang Xiu'er, I don't think she will admit it. I'm afraid she is guilty of being a thief. In that case, she will wait and see what tricks Yang Xiu'er can play.

"Why did she say that to you?" Yang Lele was pulled. He was not happy at first. He just listened to Ning Mengyao's explanation, but he also suppressed the anger in his heart.

"She came to me a few days ago to borrow money to build a house. She asked me to borrow a hundred Liang. I didn't borrow it." Ning Mengyao said casually, while Yang Lele watched Ning Mengyao open his eyes.

One hundred liang? Yang Xiuer really dares to think. It seems that her house hasn't been built for a long time? Now she wants to build a house that will cost so much money.

"How dare she think."

Ningmengyao smiled and didn't answer the question. Didn't she dare to think about it?

Because of ningmengyao's silence, the rumors become more and more fierce. Up to now, only six or seven children are still reading in ningmengyao, including lin'er, Xiaomu and Yang Zhi. The rest are the children of several poor families in the village.

They came here every day to study very seriously. Until one day, Lin er said with a puzzled face, "Sir, why do those people outside say that to you?"

They get along with Ning Mengyao the most. Here they see no one else except Yang Lele, let alone men. But things are passed on like this.

"The mouth grows on others, they are willing to say, I will not stop naturally." Ning Mengyao put down the book and said.

"Small animal drum face is not happy:" but dog child their mother also follows to say Sir your bad words So that they can't read together now, which makes Xiaomu very dissatisfied. It's probably the ingratitude taught by Mr.

Ningmengyao reached out and touched Xiaomu's head. He jokingly said, "everyone has their own ideas. There is a saying called" the one who is self-cleaning is self-cleaning. If I haven't done it, I don't have to pay attention to those who say I am. "

Lin Er still doesn't understand: "why?"

"Baishan village has such a large population. If everyone says that I care about my people, it will disturb my normal life." Even if she wants to take care of it, it is not with the villagers who listen to the rumors of others, but with the culprit, but now it is not the time to take care of it.

Lin'er and they look at Ning Mengyao, and think about it carefully. If they are angry, they will quarrel with the people. Incessant quarrels will only make their life a mess.

"Sir, we understand."

"Well, I'll give you a good look at these arithmetic problems."

When Ning Mengyao taught the children to read, a large part of the villagers in Baishan village gathered at Yang Zhu's house.

"Village head, we can't let people like ningmengyao stay here. It will ruin the atmosphere of our village." Said one angrily.

"That's right. How can we leave such a bad person in our village?"

One by one, you said one by one, which is undoubtedly to drive ningmengyao out of here.

Yang Zhu looked at them, and when they were almost done, he said, "are you finished?"

When they heard this, they felt something was not right. They looked at Yang Zhu and nodded.

"Now that you have finished, it's time for me to say. You said that girl Mengyao ruined our atmosphere. Then I will ask you what she did? Who of you saw her with strange men? " Yang Zhu looked at them leisurely and asked lightly.

When they were asked by Yang Zhu, some of them were asked.

After Ning Mengyao came to Baishan village, he seldom went to the village to walk around. After the children went to her to read, many people also went to see it. No strangers came to their home at all. Here