Yang Xiuer, who was hiding in the crowd, hesitated at the sight of all the people and said, "if not, where did she get so much money?"

Hearing Yang Xiuer's words, everyone's eyes were on her. Seeing this, Yang Xiuer proudly said, "before, she had lent fifty-two to Yang Lele at will. She was an orphan girl, where did she get so much money?"

A sentence of fifty-two stunned everyone, and the realization of everyone was put on Ning Mengyao, with obvious exploration in her eyes.

Before Ning Mengyao could speak, Yang Lele snorted and said sarcastically, "don't you have that ability, and no one else? Do you know Yao Yao's embroidery work very well? "

Yang Xiuer's face turned white with a Shua. She knew that Ning Mengyao's embroidery work was really powerful, but this Does it mean that all her money comes from selling embroidery?

"Well, what about her embroidery? How much is the price of embroidery?" Yang Xiuer said with strong self-control and disdain.

Yang Lele is very angry. He wants to say something, but he is caught by ningmengyao. He looks at Yang Xiuer lightly: "what else can I say to slander me? Once I say it, I will save trouble."

"Don't be too arrogant, Ning Mengyao." What Yang Xiuer hates most is that Ning Mengyao looks at her indifferently with those beautiful eyes, which looks like she is making trouble for nothing.

Ningmengyao looked at her and said lightly: "I am arrogant? Because I don't lend you money, you're ruining my reputation? I lend money to Lele because I believe in her and because Uncle Yang really needs it, but why should I lend it to you? "

When they heard this, they were all in a uproar. How could these rumors come from Yang Xiuer? Or because Ning Mengyao is not willing to lend her money?

This Is that too vicious?

"I I'm useful, too. Why can't you lend it to me? " Yang Xiu'er was a little flustered by the eyes of all the people. She opened her mouth subconsciously. After she said it, her face turned white.

She said that, doesn't it mean that she admitted that these rumors were spread by herself?

"Ha ha, are you useful? Building a house? One hundred liang? I'd like to ask you how big a house your family needs to build. Besides, it's human nature to lend you my money, and it's also appropriate not to lend it to you. "

"What? Yang Xiuer, you are really shameless. " Yang Lele looked at her in shock, with disbelief in her eyes.

People also stare at Yang Xiuer, see her panic expression, suddenly understand that what Ning Mengyao said is true? How dare she say it.

A family only needs four or five liang of household in a year, but now she has only one hundred Liang. No wonder other people don't want to lend it to her. Why.

It's not that she has money to burn, but now people will ruin her reputation if they don't borrow money.

Yang Zhu and other people talked about it almost, and hurriedly said, "it seems that this matter is a misunderstanding. Xiuer girl is your fault. Even if Mengyao girl doesn't lend you money, you can't do that. If she is serious, she can send you to Yamen."

Yang Xiu'er was in a panic when she heard that she was going to be sent to Yamen. She hurriedly came to Ning Mengyao's side and begged, "Mengyao, I know it's wrong. Don't send me to Yamen. Please."

Ningmengyao shook Yang Xiuer's hand and said indifferently, "don't go to my house again." Say that no matter what other people's expression directly turn away.

Yang Lele glared at Yang Xiuer angrily and chased Ning Mengyao back.

After ningmengyao left, there were children who could read in ningmengyao, but they called them back because of their short-sightedness What should I do.

"Yang Xiu'er, you are a girl. How can you be so heartless? You are also taught how to embroider. It's just mean that you should be so vicious. " A lot of people who call the children back because of these rumors are gnashing their teeth and looking at Yang Xiuer.