If it wasn't for her, they wouldn't have called back their children. Now, looking like Ning Mengyao, it seems that they are unwilling to continue to teach their children. Considering that they all feel remorse, they knew that they should have listened to their own men, and they would not fall into this situation.

Yang Xiuer looks at the scene in front of her. Everyone scolds her. She thinks she is a vicious person. She believes that after today, her reputation will surely spread. It's hard to find a good family to marry in the future.

Hate, this is Yang Xiuer's only feeling for Ning Mengyao. It's all her work. If she hadn't said all these things, she wouldn't have fallen to this point.

Yang Lele went back to her home after Ning Mengyao and said angrily, "how can Yang Xiu'er do this? Thanks for pointing out her needlework."

"I'm not angry. What are you angry about?" Ning Mengyao looks up at Yang Xiuer and says lightly.

Sometimes, Yang Lele is very skeptical. Does Ning Mengyao really care about anything?

"How can you look at me like this?" See Yang Lele don't talk, just tilt his head to see himself, Ning Mengyao mouth light pull, looking at Yang Lele.

"Well, I'm thinking, are you always so cold and light, and don't care about anything?" Yang Lele was stunned. Subconsciously, he said everything in his heart. After he said it, he was embarrassed.

Ningmengyao eyes slightly trance? Is it cold? Now she is really a little cold, but she is not born like this, because the injury is too deep, she has no idea what kind of emotions to deal with life.

Only by being indifferent, can we not hurt or hurt.

The most important person in the past life and this life can say that. She really doesn't know what else she can care about.

After Lingluo said something like that, she was totally dead.

Only Yang Lele's family can arouse a little warmth in her heart, so she is willing to help Yang Lele and her family.

"Yao Yao I Did I say the wrong thing? " Looking at Ning Mengyao's somewhat trance like appearance, Yang Lele felt uneasy.

Shaking his head gently: "nothing."

"Sister Mengyao, we are here. This is the fish we went to catch in the river today. Do you think we are fierce?" When they were silent, a series of clear laughter came in from the outside. It turned out that they were the children who still read in ningmengyao. They also had some fish in their hands.

Seeing these children, Ning Mengyao stood up and walked to them with a light smile on her face: "catch the fish and take it back to eat. What's it for?"

"We caught a lot of them, and brought some to sister Mengyao." The biggest Lin Er scratched his head a little bit, embarrassed to say.

Ningmengyao looked at these innocent children, and her heart gradually emptied. Suddenly she said, "go back and say to your family, I'll have lunch here this noon."

"Oh, great. We can have dinner here with sister Mengyao." Several children put the fish down and ran out. The speed made ningmengyao shake her head and laugh.

Finally, Yang Lele is arrested by Ning Mengyao and helps to cook together.

When Ning Mengyao brought all the food to the table, Yang Lele swallowed his saliva: "now I finally know why those children are so happy to eat with you."

Yang Lele looked up at Ning Mengyao and said, "Yao Yao, how can you do anything?"? You make me feel inferior. "

Reaching for Yang Lele's head, Ning Mengyao said, "you will get used to it."

Yang Lele looks at Ning Mengyao stupidly, and finally does not want to move.

Seeing her like this, Ning Mengyao laughed even more happily.