Seeing Du Shi stop and look at himself, Ning Mengyao asked coldly, "if you can't say it, then don't blame me for accusing you of slander and slander others."

It's not clear whether there is such a law here. However, seeing Du's pale face at that moment, Ning Mengyao slightly hooks his lips. It seems that such a law still exists.

Du's face flickered in confusion. It seems that their family got more help from ningmengyao. It's just ningmengyao's books, ink, paper and inkstone for her dog and child. It's enough to have them repaired.

"Today's business is here. My family is very small. I can't hold you noble and clean people. Please." Ning Mengyao looked at the women who were at a loss and Du's and said coldly: "and if someone arranges me like Yang Xiuer after today for no reason, I don't think you would like to see this end."

At the same time, Ning Mengyao's eyes were always on Du's body, which scared Du's eyes and ran away with the vegetables in his hands.

The rest of the women pushed and yelled and finally all left.

"They're too much."

"It's just a bunch of irrelevant people." Ningmengyao gently shook her head, said indifferently.

Looking at ningmengyao like this, Yang Lele suddenly has some heartache. What did ningmengyao go through to make her look like this? It's really heartache.

"Yao Yao you......"


"Nothing." Yang Lele quickly shook his head, but kept telling himself that he must be very good to her in the future.

After Du's return, although he was very dissatisfied and wanted to say something, as long as he thought of Ning Mengyao's cold and piercing eyes and wanted to arrange them, he couldn't say anything. This kind of taste was very unpleasant and made Du unhappy all day.

When gowardesh came to ask her when she could continue to read, she burst out and even beat gowardesh for no reason.

Yang Xiuer's affairs did not affect Ning Mengyao's life. Instead, it made her a lot easier.

This day, when Ning Mengyao was going to take the children out to school, it suddenly rained heavily, but Ning Mengyao could only give up this idea.

Fortunately, when she built the house, she built the attic, took several children to the attic, and taught them to play games.

Until noon, Ning Mengyao let them go back. He sat on the edge of the attic and watched the drizzle outside.

In a twinkling of an eye, she has been in Baishan village for three or four months. When she first came, she still thought about it. Now it's almost the middle of the year, and the time is really fast.

There is no reason to think of the days of these years, bitter smile gradually emerged in the face.

In this way, she suddenly found that she didn't seem to do anything in these years, just around Ling Luo again. Although her life is full now, Ning Mengyao feels as if she has something missing, which makes her a little mentally trance.

It rained for three days. At noon on the fourth day, the rain stopped. The dark clouds in the sky gradually disappeared, showing some smiling faces of the sun. Looking at the gradually clear sky, Ning Mengyao suddenly found that she was a little alarmist.

No matter what, we should continue to live. It's good to stay here all the time. We don't worry about food and clothes.

In the evening, Yang Lele came in with his melon: "Yao Yao, shall we go to the mountain tomorrow to pick up mushrooms? What do you think? "

Ning Mengyao thought about it, as if it was ok, so she nodded and agreed: "OK."

"Well, I'll call you tomorrow morning." Yang Lele said a few words to Ning Mengyao and hurried back, as if there was something at home.

However, Yang Lele failed to come the next day, because today her sister-in-law, Qiao Shi, is going to take Yang Zhi back to her mother's house. Yang Shi and Yang Zhu are busy, so there is no one at home to take care of Yang Yi. Yang Lele can only stay.

Ningmengyao had no choice but to go to the mountain with a basket on his back. The air on the mountain is often much better than that below. After a long time of drying, the road to the mountain is not so slippery, but very easy to walk.