This season's mushrooms are much more than the one she and Yang Xiuer came to. Along the way, there are a lot of mushrooms that have just popped their heads and can eat. Ning Mengyao guessed one by one that they were put in the basket.

It was not until the basket could not be put down that Ning Mengyao was ready to go back. On the way down the mountain, Ning Mengyao met Qiao Tianchang, who had seen him once before. This time, he was also holding some prey in his hand.

Qiao Tianchang has seen Ning Mengyao for a long time, but he hasn't been there. Now he sees her coming, nods to her and follows her silently towards the mountain.

He followed a man behind him without saying a word. Ning Mengyao felt strange and looked at the man behind him with his head askew. "When I go back, can I sell some of your prey?" She suddenly thought of the beef sauce she had made before. She didn't know whether it would be better to make rabbit meat or pheasant meat.


After a simple sentence, they don't continue to talk, but Qiao Tianchang has been observing Ning Mengyao.

This is probably the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. It's not her appearance, but her temperament. It's the best one he has ever seen.

They went quietly to the foot of the mountain and came to the exquisite yard of ningmengyao.

"I want two hares and two pheasants. How much are they altogether?" Ningmengyao put the basket on her back to one side and looked at Qiao Tianchang with her head askew, which made Qiao Tianchang feel dizzy.

His eyes flickered a little, and he looked down and said, "two hundred Wen."

"Wait for me." He turned around and went back to his room. After coming out, he handed Qiao Tianchang a lot of copper plates.

Qiao Tianchang takes the copper plate and leaves the four biggest and fattest prey to ningmengyao.

Looking at the four big and fat prey on the ground, Ning Mengyao was helpless. He couldn't buy 200 Wen at all. He took advantage of it.

Looking back at Qiao Tianchang who has left, Ning Mengyao mutters in his heart that he can't make sauce and then send some to him.

So thinking, Ning Mengyao didn't bother about it any more. Instead, she began to clean up several prey, but she still left a pheasant.

After finishing the rest, Ning Mengyao carefully washed the pots she bought before, which is still rabbit sauce.

After a busy afternoon, I made two rabbits and one pheasant into meat sauce.

After making it, Ning Mengyao tasted it very good. Although it can't be compared with beef sauce, it has a different flavor.

Put the meat sauce carefully, take two small jars and put some into them respectively, and plan to send some to Yang Lele's family and Qiao Tianchang.

Yang Lele is embarrassed with the meat sauce from Ning Mengyao: "Yao Yao here......"

"Take it to you." Ning Mengyao put the jar aside and glared at Yang Lele discontentedly, which made him laugh.

"By the way, Yao Yao, do you want to go to the town? I have finished my embroidery. "

"Well, let's go. Mine's over."

Yang Lele quickly nods, and plans to send the embroidery work to the children when they have a holiday, and then take some embroidery thread back.

Even for a few days, Mengyao didn't see Qiao Tianchang coming down from the mountain, so he forgot about giving him meat sauce.

This day, the children had a holiday. Ning Mengyao took Yang Lele to Luo Yunxuan. When she went in, she was still showing embroidery to people as before.

See two people come in to say hello hurriedly: "you two come?" Although she didn't sell the screen that Ning Mengyao sent before, many people came to buy it. The price is not low, but she hasn't sold it all the time. It's good to keep it.

"Aunt Luo." Ning Mengyao and Yang Lele said hello. Ning Mengyao took out her screen. Aunt Luo's eyes lit up. This one was different from the one before, but it was also brilliant.

"One hundred and fifty-two." Because of the effect of the last time, aunt Luo directly raised the price of Ning Mengyao by fifty-two, which made Yang Lele's eyes widen, and the price has increased by one hundred liang?

"Don't look at it. Show it to Aunt Luo and let her give you some advice." See Yang Lele stare at her and aunt Luo, Ning Mengyao said jokingly.

Yang Lele felt his nose, smiled and took out his pillow towel.

Luo Yi was very good after checking one by one, and gave Yang Lele a very positive evaluation: "very good."

Finally, Yang Lele's six xipas sold for thirty-two, which made Yang Lele completely stupid, so many.

"Lele, you should learn from Mengyao and try to embroider the screen earlier." Seeing Yang Lele's silly appearance, aunt Luo couldn't help laughing.