Then she saw that Ning Mengyao, who looked soft and weak, reached out and threw the ruffian aside.

Staring at all this, Yang Lele wipes his eyes consciously. Yang Lele has only one feeling at the moment, which is that he is actually dazzled, right? Otherwise how to see a weak Ning Mengyao suddenly seems to have changed a person.

Ning Mengyao didn't have time to pay attention to Yang Lele's expression at the moment, but looked at the ruffian trembling all over: "want to rob our money? Want to have fun with us? I'll let you two have fun now. "

Say to lift a foot to kick in that tremble to look at her ruffian abdomen, that ruffian body is like the kite that breaks a line to fly out generally.

Ning Mengyao turns her head and looks at Yang Lele: "take something and go first."

Yang Lele nodded foolishly and left with his two things. When he got to a place full of people, he found that he was too wrong. How could he leave with Ning Mengyao alone?

As soon as she wanted to go back, she heard the high and low screams and screams.

"Ah, hooligan."

"Kill the hooligans."

Yang Lele wondered why there were hooligans? When she looked at the past, she could not help poking her eyes blind. What's the matter? Why are those two people running in the street?

"What are you looking at?"

Suddenly, Yang Lele was shocked by the sound in his ear. He almost threw everything out of his hand and turned to look at the people beside him. Yang Lele patted himself on the chest: "you scared me to death."

"How dare you? Let's go. We should go back. " Ning Mengyao's funny teasing.

Yang Lele turned his head and looked at the farce behind him, then at ningmengyao beside him. At last, he asked nothing.

"Don't want to ask?"

"In fact, I wonder if you know martial arts." Yang Lele asked shyly.

"Yes, I have been learning for several years. It's for self-defense." Ningmengyao was stunned, then said lightly, with a sort of ethereal look.

She learned martial arts from Lingluo, only because he said that he hoped she could protect herself, so she practiced with him every day. Now she can protect herself, but some people are gone.

Qiao Tianchang looked down at the figure of the two people leaving with a smile.

When he saw ningmengyao and their being stopped by others, he wanted to go on. Because of the slow step, he saw the girl's side besides elegance, which was really attractive.

"What are you looking at, boss?" Qiao Tianchang's side of the people saw that he had been looking downstairs, with a smile on his face, some surprised to see the past, who knows what did not see.

Looking at the person on the edge, the expression on Qiao Tianchang's face reverted to indifference and gave him a light glance: "what are you doing?"

"Boss, can you stop like this? I was tired to find you. " The man looked at Qiao Tianchang sadly and muttered discontentedly.

Qiao Tianchang's expression was cold, his eyes looked at him deeply: "Ryan, did you forget what I said?"

Ryan's face was stiff, lying on the table, and he said feebly, "boss, we remember that. We just want to know why you do this, not only us, but also that one."

"Tired, want to rest, don't come to me again." Said to get up and leave.

Lei An wants to cry and watch Qiao Tianchang leave. His eyes are full of anger. Damn it, the family must have said something to the eldest brother. The eldest brother ran to the place where the bird didn't shit. They were not allowed to come to him.

Qiao Tianchang didn't expect Lei An would come to this place to find him. It seems that the guy is impatient. He reaches out and rubs his brow and heart. His eyes are tired.