When Ning Mengyao and Yang Lele came home, they happened to see Yang Xiuer standing at their door with a stiff face.

After seeing Yang Xiuer, Ning Mengyao ignores her and takes out the key to open the door and takes Yang Lele in.

"I said, don't come into my house." When Yang Xiuer wants to follow in, Ning Mengyao suddenly opens her mouth.

Yang Xiuer's expression is stiff, then she looks at Ning Mengyao wrongly: "Mengyao, I know it's wrong, can you forgive me? I will never do such a thing again. "

Yang Xiuer's life is really not very good in this period of time. Because of her, many children in the village can't continue to read with Ning Mengyao.

Although these have something to do with those people, they put all their responsibilities on themselves, and they will be pointed out as soon as they go out. This kind of life is really enough for her.

She thought for a long time, although she didn't want to, but she came to apologize to ningmengyao, because she was very clear that only ningmengyao forgives her, and she learned skills from her to make money, and those people would not continue to look down on her like this.

"What you do has nothing to do with me. I gave you a chance." The first time she insulted her, she said nothing and pretended not to know about it.

But Yang Xiuer thought she was very good at bullying and came again for the second time. She was not so stupid. She had only two opportunities here, many of which were not.

Yang Xiuer's expression was stiff, and she begged, "Mengyao, I really know I'm wrong. I'm lost in my mind. Forgive me, will you?"

"Lele, let's go to your house." Ningmengyao didn't want to continue to talk nonsense with Yang Xiuer. After she put down her things, she said to Yang Lele on the side.

Yang Lele nodded and looked at Yang Xiuer with the things he bought: "Yang Xiuer doesn't think everyone is a fool. He thinks that only you are the wisest."

What she is doing today is for. If you think about it a little, you can understand that she doesn't really want to apologize to ningmengyao. She is still talking to ningmengyao with purpose.

"Yang Lele, aren't you interested in her money when you are friends with her?" Yang Xiuer is embarrassed by what Yang Lele said, and then she gives Yang Lele a hard look and says sarcastically.

It's true that I'm so proud of what I said. I didn't have the same purpose as her at last.

"Don't make everyone think as dirty as you do." Yang Lele was angry, but he didn't show it.

When Ning Mengyao saw Yang Lele like this, there was a smile in her eyes. In Yang Lele, she never felt that there was any purpose. Although she got a little more from her, she paid the same.

It's like when she meets a ruffian in the street, what she thinks about is not running by herself, but letting her go. She believes that Yang Xiuer can't do such things. Maybe Yang Xiuer will push her out.

Yang Xiuer didn't react for a while. When she did, Ning Mengyao locked the door and left with Yang Lele.

Grinning at the back of the two people's leaving, Yang Xiuer, can't hate Yang Lele in her heart. Don't let her find a chance, or she will make Yang Lele regret it.

When Yang Lele came home with a lot of things, Yang Zhu and others frowned and began to scold Yang Lele: "Lele, what are you doing? Mengyao's money didn't come from gale. "

Yang Zhu said that he thought these things were bought by ningmengyao for them, and he was not happy.

Yang Lele looked at his father without any words, and said gloomily, "I said Dad, I made money from selling embroidery."


Yang looked at his daughter and said, "how much can you sell your embroidery? After saying that you sold the money, why don't you give it back to Mengyao first, you girl. " Yang Zhu counted down, and Yang family followed.

"Yes, Lele." Yang Yi sits on the chair and looks at her sister, frowning disapprovingly.

Yang Lele looked at Ning Mengyao wrongly and said plaintively, "look at Yao Yao. When you come to my house, I have no status. My parents are yours, my brother is yours, and I am poor." He also pretended to wipe the nonexistent tears.