Ning Mengyao nodded softly: "he can read or count these words very quickly. Although he went to school at last, he learned the best one except Lin er."

"Well, send zhier to the private school." Yang Lele claps his hands and ignores the eyes of the two men beside him. He decides to clap.

Hearing Yang Lele's voice, Yang Zhu and his son reacted. Yang Yi looked at his sister with complicated eyes: "Lele needs a lot of money to send zhier to private school." A year's training will not be less, and there are pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

"What's that? The days of our family will only get better and better in the future. " How can Yang Lele not know Yang Yi's mind? But what about that? This is her nephew. After he learned it well, he had face, didn't he?

Ningmengyao sees what Yang Yi has to say, chuckles and says, "brother Yang, you don't need to care so much. In fact, I always want to help me when you are well."


"In charge." Ning Mengyao looks at Yang Yi's red lips and spits out two words.

The word "steward" makes Yang Lele's father and daughter have some heads, and they don't know what she means. Ning Mengyao doesn't explain, but just says with a smile, "brother Yang will understand in the future."

"That will do." Yang Yi nods and agrees when she thinks about it. She just helps her family. After all, she helps her family so much that she won't hurt them. Since she doesn't hurt them, she must help them.

At the dinner table, Yang Yi told Ning Mengyao's words to his daughter-in-law and Yang's, both of whom were very happy, especially Qiao's, who was more grateful to Ning Mengyao and his little aunt.

After dinner, ningmengyao didn't stay in their home for long, so she went back alone. On the way back, she had been observing the village. On the way, she met some children who had been learning Chinese characters from her before. She looked at their eyes.

But she just smiled and said nothing.

Passing by a house, Ning Mengyao heard a familiar voice: "men and women are not close, Yang Cui, you should go back."

This familiar voice made Ning Mengyao look in curiously. It was the man who sold her prey several times. He tilted his head and saw some pheasants and hares at his feet. After thinking about it, he went in.

Originally, when Qiao Tianchang came back to see the daughter of the uncle's house next door in his own house, he was very dissatisfied with the fact that she was good at automating her own things, and her face was very ugly. Later, he saw Ning Mengyao come in, with a little smile in her eyes, leaving Yang Cui behind.

"What can I do for you?" Qiao Tianchang also knows that this is too intimate, especially in Yang Cui's eyes.

Yang Cui is good at growing up in the whole Baishan village. She is also pretty and lovely. Her family is raised as a lady, so she hopes to marry a good family.

Yang Cui has always been one of those people who have high self-esteem. She thinks that the whole Baishan village is not better looking than her. Even Yang Lele of the village head's family can't compare with herself. However, now I see a woman who has never seen before. She is wearing a bright yellow dress and two hairpins on her head, but the style is exquisite.

Not only that, she found that when she saw ningmengyao, she had a sense of inferiority, especially in front of her elegant body, she was like a local bun.

"I just passed by and saw you have game here, so I want to buy some." Ning Mengyao smiles to show his intention.

Qiao Tianchang's eyebrows are slightly selected. Last time she bought so many, she didn't eat them, did she? But that's not what he should be concerned about: "how many do you want?"

"Two pheasants and two rabbits." Ningmengyao looked down and pointed to the prey on the ground.

He picked up some prey and handed it to Ning Mengyao. After Ning Mengyao paid the money, he was ready to leave. Qiao Tianchang sent people to the door.

Yang Cui saw Qiao Tianchang treat a woman like this, and her face was ugly, especially the other side looked better than her own, so she whispered, "no shame, come out to seduce men in the daytime." Not only did Qiao Tianchang hear this, but also Ning Mengyao. She turned and looked at each other coldly when she was about to go out. "I don't violate the law when I buy prey, but you are a girl. You seem to have reached Jiji, right? And the hairpin woman appears in a man's home, this is not good


"Yang Cui, I don't want you to come into my house at will, especially when my door is still locked." Qiao Tianchang suddenly looked at Yang Cui and said in a cold voice, which was undoubtedly to beat Yang Cui's face severely in front of Ning Mengyao.

She couldn't believe looking at Qiao Tianchang: "brother Qiao, how can you help this woman?"

"We don't want to be so intimate. If she doesn't come today, I'm going to tell you that I don't want to pollute your innocence. Please save some face for yourself." Qiao Tianchang said in a cold, not polite voice.

What he said was like a needle, which pierced into Yang Cui's heart.