Ning Mengyao looks at the man beside her, but she doesn't think she looks so cold, but she is not vague at all.

But she didn't want to see these things here. I didn't know that she was gloating.

It's just that she wants to leave, but others don't want her to leave.

When Ning Mengyao turned around, Yang Cui stopped in front of her: "you shameless woman, even provoke the relationship between me and brother Qiao, I have no end with you."

Ning Mengyao can't bear it. Does she look so bullied? Or does the woman not understand?

Did she say anything just now? Now everything is on her.

Qiao Tianchang went to the two, reached out to push away Yang Cui, bowed his head and said to Ning Mengyao: "you go back first, don't pay attention to her."

He has seen so many women and knows how to deal with them. He is worried about causing trouble to her.

Ningmengyao nodded and took the pheasant and hare to leave. However, Yang Cui could not help but get up, causing people in the village to see her pointing, especially when hearing Yang Cui's words, she said everything.

In the face of the criticism, Ning Mengyao frowned, while Yang Cui was as bitter as a victim, saying how about Ning Mengyao.

Hearing that people nearby said they were foxes, Ning Mengyao's face turned ugly at the moment: "you said I seduced him, not to say I didn't, even if there is, what does it have to do with you? I'm not married to him. What's the matter with you? Are you his wife or his fiancee? How can I interfere in other people's affairs? "

If it was normal, she would not say such a thing. This time, she was also angry with Yang Cui.

It can be seen from Joe Tianchang's words that he doesn't have a cold at all for this woman. All this is just her self deception.

At first, when I saw Ning Mengyao's gentle appearance, I thought it was a good bully, and I didn't dare to say anything even thinking about her. Who ever thought that she should say such a thing, but no one can refute it.

In the eyes of all people, Qiao Tianchang and Ning Mengyao are orphans without father or mother. Even if they look at each other, there is nothing wrong.

Ning Mengyao is very good-looking. Qiao Tianchang is good at it. Apart from other things, they really match each other when standing together.

What's more, they haven't heard about the relationship between Yang Cui and Qiao Tianchang. People in the village are always alone and have no intersection with the people in the village, even the neighbors' Yang Cui family.

Yang Cui's crying just now is just a face fight.

At this time, Qiao Tianchang stood out with cold eyes and no emotion: "what I said just now seems to have been forgotten by you. I have nothing to do with you. In the future, you'd better not climb into my house."

Qiao Tianchang's words caused an uproar. The people couldn't believe Yang Cui. She was a girl's family and even climbed into a man's house. However, she couldn't tell. Instead, she told the villain first.

"Miss Yang, I don't know what's in the way of buying wild game. It's your own business that you like others, but it's the problem of cultivation that involves others. If you want to marry high, you'd better study three principles, four virtues and cultivation first." She Ning Mengyao never felt that she was such a good person that others stepped on her door and swallowed her breath.

The people who came to watch all around understood immediately, especially when they saw the hare and pheasant in Ning Mengyao's hand.

They all know that ningmengyao doesn't need this money at all. It's normal to buy some game to eat back. But it's also unlucky to be bitten.

In the face of people 's pointing, Yang Cui' s face was blue and white, and finally pointed to Linzhi and said angrily: "I am not finished with you."

Looking at Yang Cui, who pushes everyone away and runs home, Ning Mengyao's eyes are cold for a while. It's better not to provoke herself, or you really shouldn't blame yourself for being rude.