Chen came here with Yang Huai. But now her son is so polite to the woman she doesn't like, and even apologizes. For Chen, that's proper face fighting.

"Nothing. If it's OK, you'd better leave here first." Ningmengyao directly went down to order.

Chen Shi was completely enraged by such a lofty appearance. She looked at Ning Mengyao angrily, reached out her hand and pointed at him. She said angrily, "Ning Mengyao, you mean woman, is really a fox. She even seduced my son. I tell you, if you want to enter my family, I will not die."

Ningmengyao frowns. This woman's brain is too big. When did she say she would enter her home?

"Madame, do you have to be paranoid?" Ning Mengyao looks at Chen for a long time and suddenly opens her mouth.

Chen Shi glared at Ning Mengyao angrily, and said in an angry voice, "he said that you are a bitch, and he also praised you."

When Ning Mengyao saw that Chen's family was not able to listen to people's words, he turned to look at Yang Huai beside him and said, "is there something wrong with your mother?" He pointed to his head.

Yang Huai takes a smoke at the corner of his mouth and looks at Ning Mengyao silently. People in Baishan village all know that they have the reputation of a scholar. Therefore, even if his mother goes too far, she will not care too much about his face.

He hasn't heard of such outspoken words as Ning Mengyao.

At the same time, I feel very ashamed.

"Can you stop like this, mother?" Yang Huai felt that he had lost face and hair, and looked at Chen's helplessness and said.

"Yang Huai I want you to come today in order to make this bitch apologize to your sister and guarantee us at the same time, otherwise this matter will not be over." Chen said in a huffy way, with no respect for his son.

When Yang Huai was about to say something, Ning Mengyao suddenly said, "your own daughter climbed the wall into the house of other men, because I went to buy game and I saw it, so you want to put all things on me?"

Yang Huai's face changed. He came back yesterday afternoon. When he came back, he heard people in the village talking about it. He said that his sister was not up to speed. At that time, he was still very angry. When he wanted to ask, those people saw that they ran away directly, which made him helpless.

Now listen to Ning Mengyao. It seems that things are not what Chen said at all.

Turning his head to look at his mother, Yang Huai asked seriously, "what's the matter with mother?"

"What? Do you believe that no other woman believes in her own mother? " Chen's anger, even if what she said is false, so what? He is her son. She has to listen to what she says.

Yang Huai looked at Chen in disappointment and said softly, "I believe she won't cheat." Ningmengyao's eyes can't deceive people. Her eyes are very clear. Just now, her mother's eyes flashed obvious confusion. She knew who was right and who was wrong.

But his trust in Ning Mengyao made Chen almost not spit blood. This is her good son.

"I offer you books. Now that you have the ability, that's how you repay me?" Chen asked, gnashing his teeth.

Yang Huai took a deep look at Chen's: "Niang, if you just want to use my fame to do these things, then I think I don't read this book, and the future of the province is disgraceful." With such an indistinguishable mother, his future is not dark.

Why don't his classmates come to their home? It's because he has such a mother.

Chen's eyes widened angrily: "you dare."

When Ning Mengyao saw that they were about to quarrel, he said in a cold voice, "you should quarrel back to your own house, and don't quarrel at the door of other people's house."

"You It's all your fault. I'll kill you. " Said to start, but not to reach ningmengyao when Yang Huai to block.

Yang Huai looked at his mother impatiently: "Niang, if you want me to be an official in the future, you can do less such things." Even his family is not well managed. What qualification does he have to be an official? Manage others?