Ningmengyao had some accidents in her heart. Unexpectedly, this man was pretty good. At least he didn't inherit Chen's character, otherwise it was disgusting.

Chen was choked by Yang Huai's words and couldn't speak. Yang Cui was dissatisfied and pointed to Yang Huai's angry voice and said, "is that how you talk to your mother? Yang Huai, where have you read so many books? "

"Shut up for me. Would it have been like this if it had not been for your own indiscretion? We don't have to pay for what we do. " Yang Huai didn't catch Yang Cui's words at all.

This sister is spoiled by them. Now she doesn't know what to say.

Yang Cui glares at her brother, who doesn't really love her the most when she was a child. To love her, her elder brother is the one who loves her the most. However, this elder brother never likes himself or even hates her.

Chen stared at his son, who was dissatisfied with him. Now when he heard that he even said his sister, he was even more unhappy: "is that how you treat your sister?"

Yang Huai didn't speak, just shook his head in disappointment, how can his sister not hurt? When he was little, he also loved her very much. Unfortunately, now she has changed completely.

Yang Cui glared at Ning Mengyao fiercely and said angrily, "Ning Mengyao, you are so shameless that you even provoke the relationship between me and my brother and ask my brother to help you."

Ningmengyao is really impatient with the family: "please take your sister and your mother away from my door."

Yang Huai's face flashed a touch of embarrassment, in front of such a woman disgrace, really let Yang Huai heart very unhappy.

"Go back to my mother, and don't try to find other people's troubles in the future. Cui'er asked for all this." Yang Huai light said, voice with a thick impatience.

This is not only to hit Chen's face, but also to help the number of people outside their own sister.

Chen's Qi is hard, but he can't say anything. He reaches for his son with trembling hands. He hasn't been able to say anything for a long time. Finally, he can only take his daughter away in a hurry.

She's really disgraced today. Her son is helping other women to bully them. Is there anything more ridiculous?

After the two left, Yang Huai looked at Ning Mengyao and said, "I'm sorry. Today, my sister made these things. I hope you can forgive her. Don't worry about her. She is still a child."

He doesn't believe it himself. Why should he let others believe it?

"Children? It's just in your family's psychology. You'd better take good care of your sister and don't come to me again, or I won't give up so easily. " If it wasn't for Yang Huai's good character, she wouldn't have done that. She went to her house and insulted her for a while, but she could still leave. There are so many good things in the world.

Yang Huai wanted to get close to Ning Mengyao. He liked this girl. But after she spoke so rudely, Yang Huai's face was embarrassed, and the family could only leave with a smile.

After standing at the door for a long time, Ning Mengyao turned around and went back. By the time she went back, all the children had finished the tasks assigned by her.

Looking at them, Ning Mengyao's face was gradually smiling. As expected, she was more happy with these children.

At noon, all the children left one by one. After they left, Yang Xiu'er came in from the outside and looked at Ning Mengyao frowning: "your mouth Yang Cui?"

Although this seems to be asking Ning Mengyao, the natural tone is more like a forced question.

Looking up at Yang Xiuer, Ning Mengyao didn't answer, but Gu took care of the things in the yard.

Seeing her, she didn't care about herself at all, as if she were the air. Yang Xiuer's expression became ugly.

"Ning Mengyao, I'm talking to you, don't you hear me? If you ask me, I will help you. I have a good relationship with Yang Cui. " Yang Xiuer looks at Ning Mengyao with high toes.

Finally, she finally has something to compare with Ning Mengyao. She must watch Ning Mengyao lose face in front of her.