Yang Xiuer and Yang Cui were friends when they were young. Only because the conditions of Yang Cui's family were better than theirs, she wanted to play with her and hope to help her own family. Later, she often ran to the county seat, and the two kings of them burned some.

Now she's back. Although Yang Cui has that kind of high position on her body, the relationship between them is still very good.

It's just a sentence to let Yang Cui let Ning Mengyao go. Of course, what kind of price does Ning Mengyao need to pay later is not what she can know.

Ningmengyao still didn't speak. After cleaning up the tables and chairs, she turned to the kitchen. She didn't want to do anything else. She baked two pieces of omelets and ate them with the rabbit meat sauce she made.

Seeing what Ning Mengyao ate, Yang Xiuer's eyes flashed obvious salivation. The sauce in the jar smells really delicious, which makes her unable to help some saliva.

"What are you? I'll have it, too. " Seeing that Ning Mengyao wants to take the jar back, Yang Xiuer can't help but say.

After seeing Yang Xiuer, Ning Mengyao didn't notice. Instead, she turned around and put everything back in her hand.

Yang Xiuer was still staring at Ning Mengyao to beg for herself. To know that Yang Cui's brother is a scholar, she didn't take her seriously.

This idea makes Yang Xiuer's face turn ugly instantly. When Ning Mengyao came out, she just wanted to say something, and she saw Ning Mengyao holding the basket in the corner: "I want to go out. If you are OK, you'd better leave."

The tone of indifference is totally that Yang Xiuer is regarded as a stranger.

Her high tone just now was very unpleasant, especially when she saw Yang Xiuer's expression.

It's better to be out of sight and out of mind. It's not good to be angry when you save.

After seeing Yang Xiuer's unwilling appearance, Ning Mengyao's smile was satirical.

Take the basket and leave. Yang Xiuer is driven out like this. Unwilling to see Ning Mengyao go up the mountain, Yang Xiuer's eyes flash clear haze, and finally leaves calmly.

Looking at Yang Xiuer coming into her home, Yang Cui's eyes flashed: "how is it?"

"What else can you do? People don't pay attention to you at all." Yang Xiu'er said displeased.

Yang Cui's actions in her hands make her squint at Yang Xiuer. Judging from her expression, it seems that it's true.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, that's what they said. I said it. If she comes to apologize to you, you'll forgive her, but they didn't say anything at all." He also disguised Ning Mengyao's expression, which made Yang Cui throw the things on the ground.

This Ning Mengyao really takes herself as one thing. She's not good. That's the younger sister of the scholar.

Why does she look down on herself so much?

"How dare she look down on me? My brother is a scholar. " At this time, Yang Cui has forgotten that Yang Huai gave her no face at ningmengyao's house.

Yang Xiu'er nodded and echoed Yang Cui's words: "yes, it's a little too much. How can it be like this? No matter how good you are, it's also a scholar's sister. What is she? She did this to you. "

These words are to appease Yang Cui, but also to fuel the fire, in order to make Yang Cui more angry.

Sure enough, after hearing Yang Xiuer's words, the expression on Yang Cui's face became more ugly, as if it had swallowed a fly.

Yang Cui smashed the things on the ground and said angrily, "I must make Ning Mengyao regret what she did." The insidious and hateful voice made Yang Xiuer smile proudly.

Quarrel, quarrel, then she will come to pick up the bargain.

They are planning here, but what they didn't expect is that all they said was heard by Joe Tianchang next door.

Chen Shi has been looking for ningmengyao's troubles these days, and he knows that he wants to help her, but he also knows that if he appears at this time, it will only make ningmengyao's situation more sad.