After Ning Mengyao explains everything, the foreman goes to buy Bricks and tiles, and Qian ningmengyao also gives them. Finally, Yang Yi, whose legs are already ready, plans to go with him.

"Girl, what are you going to do after you are finished?" Yang Zhu looked at the people who had begun to dig the foundation, and asked curiously.

"For chickens, ducks and fish." Ning Mengyao didn't hide Yang Zhu's meaning either. She had more plans for her future.

Yang Zhu thought about it and thought it was feasible: "well, then we will help you."

"I really want brother yang to help me." She really can't do it alone. Then she can find a few people to help take care of the chickens and ducks. She can deal with the outside affairs.

"That will do."

The news that someone is working in ningmengyao's family is known by others, but they don't care. It's her own problem that she wants to surround the ground. Not only that, many people also want to see ningmengyao's jokes.

Ningmengyao didn't know anything about it. It took him about a month to finish the fish pond, chicken house and so on.

These busy, autumn harvest time also arrived, she did not want to immediately start, just go outside to look at the golden first piece.

There are wheat and rice planted there. Under the breeze, a large amount of golden grain forms a huge golden wheat wave. It looks very spectacular and beautiful.

Ning Mengyao smiled and turned back.

Autumn harvest, the children also need to go home to help, she is relaxed.

Looking at the red, green and yellow leaves on the mountain, Ning Mengyao's eyes brightened, as if the wild fruits on the mountain should also be mature, right?

Thinking, Ning Mengyao took the basket and locked the door and went up the mountain.

What she didn't know was that after she left, a person appeared quietly at her door, looked around for a while, didn't see anyone, so she carefully pried the lock and sneaked in.

After going in, the other side searched everywhere, and then found nothing, after a low curse.

I found a lot of food in the kitchen, including white rice and noodles, fish and game.

Looking at those things, the other party swallowed saliva, and then took those things and ran out quickly.

Ningmengyao was in a good mood when she saw all kinds of wild fruits on the mountain. She would pick some of them and put them in the basket when she saw what she could eat. At last, she saw wild grapes on the mountain.

Seeing this grape, Ning Mengyao's eyes are bright. It's a good thing.

Take the basket down and have a look. There is still half of the empty space in it. Ning Mengyao picks the grapes in a bunch into the basket until they can't fit them.

Carrying the back basket, Ning Mengyao quickly walked back. She was in a good mood when she saw the lock being pried off, and her face became ugly.

Picking up the lock on the ground, Ning Mengyao's eyes are full of gloom. It seems that her actions these days have been remembered, but is her things so easy to take?

Ning Mengyao went inside and looked around. She found that her room and other places were turned upside down. Even if they were turned over like this, she didn't lose anything in her room. She turned to the kitchen, which seemed to be in disaster.

There was no game she had salted, no rice noodles in the cupboard, and even the jug of oil.

I'm afraid that man wanted to find silver first, but he could not find it. So he went back and asked for the second place. He took away her rice flour oil and game.

Cold smile, Ning Mengyao's eyes are full of satire, her things are so easy to take? Take her things and she'll make the man spit blood directly.

Put the basket in the sundry room, and Ning Mengyao turns to walk towards Yang Zhu's house.

After hearing that ningmengyao said her family had been robbed, Yang Zhu was not calm at once.

Not only that, but also several elders went with them. Ning Mengyao showed them the rooms that had been turned upside down and the kitchens that had been robbed. The faces of the people turned gloomy and terrible. They even had thieves in Baishan village.