The elder of Uncle Yang Zhu's generation, seeing ningmengyao as a locust passing through his home, looks very ugly.

They have been in Baishan village for so many years, and there has never been a thief in the village. Now there is a thief, and they have stolen a lone girl. This time, ningmengyao rented out the field, which the villagers are very grateful for.

The rent she asked for was very few. Even if she didn't rent out dozens of acres of land, even if she wanted to find a long-term job, it would be much better than taking the two or three percent rent.

But now? Unexpectedly, people in the village were bullied, which was just beating their faces.

"Yang Zhu's case must be found out, and he will be punished severely after finding out the favor." This group of people in the highest generation, angrily patted the table, said mercilessly.

"I'll take care of it, uncle." Yang Zhu's face is also very ugly. Although some people in their village say that their character is bad, they have never done such a sneaky thing.

If it's spread out, the girls and kids in the village, don't want to marry, don't want to marry? Do the people in their village look up in front of others? Think of Yang Zhu and he can't hate.

"Let's call the whole village together. It must be made clear." Yang Zhu looked at the people on the edge and said.


Ningmengyao had no choice but to follow them to the village and watch them call the villagers back from the field one by one, which made everyone very strange. But what's more important than that when they rush to collect?

When they were almost there, Yang Zhu looked at the crowd and said in a cold voice, "I know you're wondering what I asked you to do, but there's something you have to say."

Everyone looked at each other. How could several old people be so angry.

"Village head, what happened?"

"Yes, how come some uncles are so angry?"

"Since the establishment of Baishan village, although there have been conflicts among the neighbors, there have been no major events, but today, theft has been found in the village." Yang Zhu said and stopped.

As soon as they heard it, they exploded.

What? There are thieves in their village? What's the matter.

Ningmengyao stood on the edge, carefully looking at those people in the crowd, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, there was a person's performance that really surprised her.

"All right, everyone be quiet. Today, when Mengyao came back from the mountain, she found that her lock had been pried, two or three rooms had been turned upside down, all the quilts were on the ground, the boxes and so on were all messed up. What's more, the rice noodle oil she put in the kitchen and the preserved game were all gone."

After Yang Zhu finished, everyone was stupid. What does it mean that the room was turned upside down? It means that the man wanted to find money or something. I'm afraid that because he couldn't find it, he took away the food of others.

"We went to see Mengyao's good house before. It's like a locust crossing. She hasn't raised any livestock yet. If she keeps it, will she be taken away by others?" What is a locust? Locusts are the most hated, because there is no place left for them. I'm afraid this is the best way to describe the current situation of ningmengyao family.

"That's right. It's not a small matter for one person. If it's spread out, can people in our village hold their heads up? Do you want to get married? "

"Not only that, if this person has formed a habit, now it is Mengyao girl's family, and we will be ourselves in the future."

Several senior uncles put their ideas out one by one. There were some people who didn't care about themselves, so they were alert. Yes, they are from a village. This time it's OK. If they get used to it, how about stealing their own home?

So think, everyone suddenly not calm down, whose family does not have a girl boy? Isn't this a smear on their village?