After eating, Mrs. Qin and her children were cleaning up at home. Ning Mengyao took Qingxue and two jars to the village.

At this time, every family is still eating, and almost no one can be seen outside. That's why Ning Mengyao chose this time.

Although it's nothing to be seen, but she doesn't like trouble very much, so it's better to avoid trouble as much as possible.

When they passed by, Qiao Tianchang happened to have dinner alone. He was reading a book with him. When he saw Ning Mengyao coming, he was puzzled: "how come? Have you eaten? "

If you are intimate, it seems normal to Qiao Tianchang, but Ning Mengyao doesn't care about it, just refers to the two jars in Qingxue's hand: "this is the wine you made for me. I'll give you two jars to drink first. When you build the house and move in, I'll give you the rest."

As soon as Qiao Tianchang's eyes brightened, he forgot this. When she made wine, he always thought that he must taste it when it's brewed, but he forgot many good things.

"No problem." Qiao Tianchang took the jar from Qingxue's hand and flashed at the table on one side, pointing to the stool on the side: "sit down for a while?"

"OK." Ningmengyao thought it was OK to go home, so she nodded.

Qingxue stood behind her young lady and listened to what they said, with a little doubt in her eyes. She didn't see that young lady was getting along with other men, but she didn't even see the Lingluo who had ever been.

The young lady is very relaxed in front of this man, which is Qingxue's conclusion after listening to the chat between the two people, and in fact it is the same.

Ning Mengyao found out before that he was very chatty with Qiao Tianchang. No matter what he said, he could always talk with him and even give his own opinions, which is the reason why she and Qiao Tianchang would be familiar with this situation.

Qiao Tianchang's voice came to the next room. Yang Cui listened to the voice of the two people who didn't lower it deliberately. Her face was ugly. She was so indifferent to herself and didn't pretend to say goodbye. It was so good for other women. Qiao Tianchang was really good.

People in the village have been talking about how nice Ning Mengyao is? She wants to show those people what kind of person Ning Mengyao is. She is just a bitch who can only seduce men.

So thinking, Yang Cuixin had a plan to sit outside and listen to the conversation, but soon she found that she couldn't understand what they were talking about at all. Even if there was something that she could understand, it was only half understood.

"Do you have any chess?" Ning Mengyao suddenly asked.

Qiao Tianchang was shocked, then shook his head: "I don't have one here."

"Qingxue, you go back and help me take the chess. Suddenly you want to play chess." Ningmengyao looks at Qingxue and whispers.

She likes go and plays very well, but Qingxue doesn't like it very much, so no one accompanies her. She accidentally found that Qiao Tianchang would play chess together during the brewing period.

Qingxue nodded and went out to get chess.

"Your hands are itchy." Qiao Tianchang said jokingly, looking at Ning Mengyao's eyes with doting.

"Don't tell me you don't want to."

"I didn't say that."

"That's not it."

The tone of their intimate chat almost didn't make Yang Cui angry.

Soon, Qingxue came back with the board and chess. Qiao Tianchang went to get a small table and put some snacks on it. He put the board on it again. Ning Mengyao held the white chess, Qiao Tianchang held the black chess, and they started to play chess. They totally forgot that it was the new year.

As soon as they played chess, they forgot the things around them. Instead, Qingxue picked up the book that Qiao Tianchang had read before and read it. It was a travel book. Qingxue was interested in it.

There are three people in the yard, two are busy playing chess, one is reading a book, and only Qiao Tianchang and Ning Mengyao talk in a low voice occasionally.

Since they started playing chess, Yang Cui could not hear the voice here. She thought that something had happened. Look at the time. It was almost the same time, so she went out.