Yang Cui went to Qiao Tianchang's door and screamed, "ah, what are you doing?" It's like a wife going home, catching her husband and what the woman is doing.

Hearing the voice at the door, the two players in the game frowned. Qiao Tianchang's eyes were more disgusted: "brother Qiao seems that someone doesn't want us to finish the game well."

"It doesn't matter. Go ahead." It's all down here. Let him forget it? That's impossible.

Ning Mengyao looks at the chessboard, but she is reluctant, so they continue.

And the people who are chatting outside heard Yang Cui's voice, and they all went over in the heart of gossip: "what are you doing here, Cui girl?" Is this really good for the Spring Festival?

Yang Cui points to some grievances inside: "you see what they look like?"

They thought that something had happened inside, so they all put their heads in, but they didn't see anything. They saw that the little girl of ningmengyao family was reading a book, and Qiao Tianchang and ningmengyao were playing chess.

"They don't have much to do, cuiya."

"What's wrong with being alone in a room?" Yang Cui screamed.

Some of the people on the edge began to roll their eyes, and looked at Yang Cui speechlessly: "I said Cui wench, would you like to speak after you have seen clearly? The two of them are playing chess. Besides, do you think there are no other servants of Mengyao's maid over there? How can this become a man and a woman? "

Yang Cui has some silly eyes. She has only heard the voices of Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang. She has never heard anyone else's voice.

But when they saw that they were all blaming themselves, and some did not believe it, did not those who pushed the door open look at the past? In the courtyard, each of the three did his own work.

Qiao Tianchang, who wanted to finish the game, frowned: "it seems that we can't play chess today."

"Then another day." Being noisy, Qiao Tianchang put the pieces back into the chess box and said helplessly.

"OK, Qingxue, let's go back."

"It's miss." Qingxue put the chess pieces back one by one and followed ningmengyao with the board.

When she came to the door, Ning Mengyao seemed to have just found so many people standing at the door, with doubts in her eyes: "I don't know what happened, aunts?"

"It's OK, Mengyao. Is that you?"

"Oh, it's OK after dinner. Come and play chess with brother Qiao." Ning Mengyao pointed to the chessboard in Qingxue's hand and said with a smile.

As soon as they heard this, they didn't bother about it any more. Instead, they gave way to Ning Mengyao.

After Ning Mengyao went out for two steps, Yang Cui suddenly screamed, "Ning Mengyao, you shameless bitch, you have come to seduce brother Qiao and say what to play chess." She's really jealous.

For Qiao Tianchang, she seems to be possessed. She can't get it by herself or let others get it.

Chen family in the room frowned at Yang Cui's words, walked out of the room, saw Yang Cui's appearance, and then looked at the people pointing at her. Suddenly, they couldn't hang their faces, and raised their hands to give Yang Cui a slap: "don't you feel ashamed? You're trying to smear your brother, aren't you? "

Yang Huai is going to take the examination of Ju Ren next year. If she does, she will be the mother of Ju Ren. Then I will clean up this little girl film and see how arrogant she can be.

What happened just now, my son has also carefully analyzed with her, especially the recent events. If they go on like this, even if they pass the exam, they will not be able to be officials. So if they want to live a safe life in the future, it's better not to make trouble at this time.

If he is known by his classmates, he will lose face.

It is precisely because of Yang Huai's words that Chen family treats Yang Cui harshly.