"Do you really care so much about those people's eyes?" Xiao Qitian hates iron but not steel and looks at Qiao Tianchang. Why he left at the beginning is still clear to him, but he doesn't believe that Joe Tianchang is such a person who can only escape.

Qiao Tianchang's mouth flashed bitterly: "Qi Tian doesn't have to say. In fact, there's nothing bad here, at least not so many fights."

Xiao Qitian opened his mouth, but he didn't say the words of consolation at last.

"I understand. It's just that you don't have to care about their eyes at all."

"I've thought about it, too, but will they?" If willing, when he went back, he would not be eager to find him. If he wanted to use him to get everything, their hearts were really big enough. How could they not be afraid to support them.

Xiao Qitian stopped talking. He knew all these things, but he was really in need there.

"Anyway, we hope you can go back." Xiao Qitian patted Qiao Tianchang on the shoulder and said seriously.

How can Qiao Tianchang not know what he means? But there are some things that he doesn't have to do if he wants to.

Taking a deep breath, Joe Tianchang looked at him: "if there is no war on the border, maybe I will not go back."

It's not bad to do business with Ning Mengyao here. Life is simple and there are not so many intrigues. Although he is not afraid, he is disgusted.

Xiao Qitian's face changed. He couldn't believe looking at Qiao Tianchang: "have you really decided?"

Qiao Tianchang nodded: "it's for him that I've been holding back all these years. Now the border is stable, and I want to have some simple life."

Xiao Qitian lowered his head in silence. He knew that everything he had been there was for the sake of his brother. Now he is in power, and he has nothing to help. So when those people are looking for him, he left alone. If it wasn't for the last time Lei An said, they don't know that he used to live a hunter's life in such a remote village.

"Do you really think about it?"

"Well, I've figured it out. I won't go back without fighting." Qiao Tianchang nodded seriously.

Xiao Qitian and Qiao Tianchang grew up together. He also knew what kind of character the other side was. He knew that his persuasion was useless. He clapped Qiao Tianchang on the shoulder and said, "since this is what you want, I will go back to tell the emperor brother."

"Then I'll thank you first."

"What are you polite to me?"

"Well, you're welcome." Joe's cold and hard face was warm.

Looking at such Qiao Tianchang, Xiao Qitian suddenly said, "I hope I can get the good news that you want to get married earlier."

Qiao Tianchang was stunned at first, then laughed: "yes."

"Ha ha, I hope so."

He can see that Qiao Tianchang is very relaxed in front of ningmengyao, and he believes in ningmengyao, which is beyond doubt.

The next day, Xiao Qitian left. Qiao Tianchang just laughed and ignored this. He was more interested in the apricot and peach flowers that ningmengyao wanted to make wine.

Of course, when he got the dozens of jars of wine, his eyes were bright. If he sold it to that guy, he would have a lot of money.

In the fifth day of the first year, there was a lantern festival in the county. Ning Mengyao took Yang Lele with her in the early morning. Originally, Yang Xiuer wanted to go with Ning Mengyao. However, what Ning Mengyao said was so ugly that she could only go with the people in the village in a bullock cart, with grievances on her face, as if Ning Mengyao had something to do with her.

The streets of the fifth grade county are very busy. In the evening, the streets have been painted with all kinds of lanterns. Those lanterns are very beautiful, which makes ningmengyao have some interest.

"Look at the light, miss. It's lovely." The green bamboo is holding a small white rabbit's lantern, the eyes are shining.

"Buy it if you like."

"Yes." Green bamboo nodded, but finally put the lantern back.

A group of people ramble in the street, and every destination, wherever they go.

But Yang Lele is more interested in some things sold on the county stall, such as some beautiful wooden hairpins. She has selected several things she likes to buy.