Yang Lele looked at the increasing number of people on the street and was bored: "Yao Yao, when do you say the light will start?"

They came here in the morning, only in the afternoon, and I don't know how long they have to wait.

"It's still early, but it's going to be dark." Ning Mengyao looks at Yang Lele and hangs his head when he hears her. He shakes his head funny.

"Where shall we stay tonight?" Hearing that it might be dark, Ning Mengyao was completely stupid, and could not believe looking at Ning Mengyao.

"I have a house here. I'll go then." Ning Mengyao said soothingly.

Yang Lele's mouth was wide open: "you You're here A house? "

"Yes, let's go back and have a rest. Come back at night. I have something to tell you." Ningmengyao thought about it, but decided to tell her what she had discussed with Qingzhu first.

Yang Lele nods fiercely and follows Ning Mengyao to her house.

Once in, Yang Lele almost thought that he had entered the fairyland, which was totally different from what he had seen before. There are all kinds of words here. There is the fragrance of plum blossom when entering from the gate. A large number of plum blossoms make Yang Lele like it very much.

"I like it. I'll take some back when I leave."

"Is that all right?" Yang Lele asked carefully.

"Well, yes, go in."

As soon as he entered the room, it was warm, which made Yang Lele envious: "this room is so warm."

"There are earthworms built here, which are naturally warm." Ningmengyao didn't mean to show off, just to help Yang Lele explain her problems.

"So it is, but Yao Yao, what did you say you want to tell me?" Yang Lele takes a look around her. Although she is envious in her eyes, she is not envious. This makes Ning Mengyao, who has been paying attention to her, very satisfied.

If she saw these things with envy in her eyes or other eyes, she would not tell Yang Lele what she said to Qingzhu.

"I'm going to let you follow the green bamboo in the next year."

"What do you mean?" Yang Lele looks at Ning Mengyao in confusion and doesn't understand what she means.

"I have my own embroidery building, but it's not the same as the one outside. I only make ready-made clothes there, and I don't grow only one. This is in the charge of green bamboo." Said here, Ning Mengyao stopped, she thought Yang Lele should be able to understand their own meaning.

Sure enough, Yang Lele's eyes brightened, and then he felt uneasy: "is this kind of embroidery work very strict?"

Ning Mengyao nodded, and then saw Yang Lele's shoulder collapsed.

"I'd better not go. I know my own embroiderer." She didn't think of the time to screw things up.

She knows that ningmengyao wants to help her, but she can't be so ungrateful. She still knows what strength she has.

"Well, don't be so arrogant. You can do it. After the tenth five-year plan, you and Qingzhu will pass the examination. You will work in it. If he can't pass the examination, then continue to practice embroidery. When your embroidery passes the examination, what do you think?" Ning Mengyao said seriously.

Yang Lele is good everywhere, but he has some inferiority in this respect.

A little thought, Yang Lele understood the meaning of Ning Mengyao, then nodded seriously: "OK, I know, I will try my best."

"That's right." Ning Mengyao nodded with satisfaction.

Yang Lele is a talented person. He is also very talented in embroidery. Most of the time, he can understand everything at one point and have his own opinions. Only because of the past, he has some inferiority.

As long as she pushes one behind, her future achievements will not be low.

And this is true, because of the help of Ning Mengyao, in the near future, Yang Lele has become an embroiderer who resounds all over the country. Her embroidery is hard to find, but now she is just a little embroiderer who is not confident in herself.

When Qingzhu said this to ningmengyao, she always thought of Yang Lele. When she saw her worried appearance, she could not help frowning. Would such people be bullied when they arrived? And... Can she really do it?