To be honest, Qingzhu is not satisfied with Yang Lele's performance, especially when she is upset. However, in front of others, Qingzhu doesn't say it directly.

Ning Mengyao sees Yang Lele's nervousness and some helplessness: "why don't you believe in Lele?"

"I I don't know. " Yang Lele said with a wry smile.

Maybe it's said too many times. Even if aunt Luo and Ning Mengyao say that her embroidery is very good, she can't believe it. She thinks it's all based on her familiar face.

"Lele, look at me." Ning Mengyao's expression suddenly became serious, which scared Yang Lele.


"You should believe in yourself and me."

Looking at Ning Mengyao, she has confidence in her eyes that she doesn't have. She really can't think of confidence.

"Do you think that the high price of what aunt Luo gave you is due to me? But if your things are not good, won't her customers come for trouble? "

Yang Lele was stunned and didn't understand what Ning Mengyao wanted to say.

"Now the xipa you embroidered can be sold for more than ten Liang silver. Do you think aunt Luo will lose money on the face of human feelings? She is a businessman. If she can't bring benefits to herself, why does she give you such a high price? "

Ning Mengyao's words, one by one, have been knocked into Yang Lele's heart. Yes, if her own things can't bring benefits to Aunt Luo, what should she do to give such a high price?

"Lele, I hope you discard all that you used to have. No matter what those people said, you don't care. Now you are the new you." Ning Mengyao looks at Yang Lele with serious expression.

Yang Lele didn't speak, just carefully thinking about Ning Mengyao's words. What she said is very reasonable. If she continues like this, it doesn't seem to be very good. Is she very bad? Of course not, but why do people say that?

Jealousy Right is jealousy, because I get more than those people.

"I see. Don't worry, Yao Yao."

"That's right. Well, it's time we went out." Ning Mengyao cheered up when he saw Yang Lele and said with a smile.

Yang Lele nodded and played with Ning Mengyao's arm saying something in a low voice. Although there was no change in that way, the firmness in her eyes made Ning Mengyao know that she had made up her mind. From now on, she is no longer the self abased Yang Lele.

Green bamboo follows behind the two men, picking up his eyebrows and looking at Yang Lele's back. The corners of his mouth slightly hook up.

It seems that she has lost her sight.

When a group of people came to the street, the lights on the side of the road had been lit.

"A lot of people."

"Let's go to the front and have a look. It's said that there are many young ladies coming to perform today." Ningmengyao said casually, which was heard by qingxuanda.

Along the way, two people walk around and have a look. When they get to the place, it's the third floor inside and the third floor outside. Many people, mostly, come to see the next performance.

This time's performance, good to hear is just duel, hard to hear is gimmick.

"Why so many people?" Yang Lele said helplessly with a bitter face.

"I don't really know that."

"Let's find a higher place to see it."

Ningmengyao looked around, just about to speak, and Qingxuan, who didn't know where to go, came over and said, "Miss, the place has been reserved. I'll wait for you to go."

Ningmengyao's mouth is slightly hooked, and as expected, she is still close to her family.

A group of people came to the teahouse on the edge of the stage. It was just in the right place. They could see everything below clearly by the window. It was really good.

Yang Lele looks at it and thinks it's great. He grabs the dessert with one hand and looks out. His eyes are turning. It's lovely.

In the waiting of the crowd, it was getting dark. When it was completely dark, I didn't know if it was agreed in advance. The unlit lanterns below were all lit at this moment. The bright lights were very bright. Raoshi ningmengyao was a little happy.