Ning Mengyao and Yang Lele are watching lanterns in the street below. On the side of the tavern, Qiao Tianchang dotes on her and looks at the people below with surprise eyes.

Ryan looks at his eldest brother in surprise. Is the man with doting in his eyes really his eldest brother?

"What are you looking at, boss?" Ryan looked down. There were people coming and going. He couldn't see who Joe Tianchang was looking at.

Turn around to look at the people on the edge, eyes slightly cold: "do you have any opinion?"

Leian's neck was stiff and he shook his head: "no, absolutely not, but elder brother..."

"Needless to say." Without waiting for Ryan to say anything, Joe Tianchang has interrupted him: "I mean the one above already knows. Ryan, you can't come to me anymore. I'm ok now."

Ryan couldn't believe looking at his elder brother: "elder brother, do you really want to live like this for a lifetime? Be an ordinary Hunter all your life? "

Qiao Tianchang suddenly turned his head to look at the figure below, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised: "there is nothing bad about being a hunter." At least he can live a peaceful life and ignore the intrigues.

Ryan watched Joe Tianchang close his lips. He knew he couldn't persuade him.

Looking at the lantern, Ning Mengyao suddenly felt a hot line of sight, and subconsciously turned to look at the past, but saw nothing.

Blinking doubtfully, under the pull of Yang Lele, he ran to the front to watch the performance.

Qiao Tianchang, who was hiding behind the window, had a clear smile in his eyes after they left. He felt very strong.

Ryan looked at Qiao Tianchang strangely. He was sure that Qiao Tianchang was hiding someone in a series of actions just now.

"What's the matter with you, big brother?"

"It's OK. OK, you go back. Don't tell me about it again. I've already told him that you can't go back without fighting."

Ryan stepped back and stared at Joe Tianchang.

No war, no return? He means, if there is no war in his life, will he never go?

"Big brother, you..."

"Ryan doesn't have to say that much." Joe Tianchang turns to look at Ryan and leaves.

Ryan didn't go after him. He looked at Qiao Tianchang's back. He always thought that big brother would leave when he came out to relax.

However, now he knows how naive his thoughts are. It seems that the family really hurt the eldest brother, so they are reluctant to go back.

After Qiao Tianchang went downstairs, he went to the direction of Ning Mengyao and they went. He watched from a distance what Ning Mengyao and Yang Lele said, and his mouth was full of doting smile.

I don't know what happened. Yang Lele and Qingxue suddenly ran to the front, leaving Ning Mengyao with a look.

However, at this time, the people on the edge began to become crowded and almost pushed people down.

In the crowd, Ning Mengyao tried to maintain her own balance, but she almost fell under the crowd.

"Be careful."

Hear the voice that the ear spreads suddenly, Ning Mengyao is a Leng first, Leng Leng of look up at the person around.

"With so many people, be careful." Qiao Tianchang felt that people were pushing towards the two people again, and hurriedly put his arms around people and flashed to one side.

Ning Mengyao's face was a little red: "that Brother Qiao thanks you "

for staring at Ning Mengyao, turning around and seeing a stall on the edge:" let's go and sit here. There are many people here. "

"Good." Sorry to break away from Joe Tianchang holding his hand, followed him to the stall.

"Brother Joe, why are you here today?" Ningmengyao asked curiously. Generally, there are more lanterns from women, like men, who don't see much.

After speaking, Ning Mengyao realized later that he seemed to You shouldn't ask that.

"A friend came today. I'll see him." Qiao Tianchang looks at the embarrassed Ning Mengyao and explains in a low voice.

Ningmengyao Oh, did not speak, but in the snack stall called some food.

In the face of Qiao Tianchang's strange eyes, Ning Mengyao feels embarrassed, which she didn't feel before Mingming.