That's three hundred Liang, not three Liang. It's only a month and a half for Ning Mengyao to embroider a screen. Think about how much money this craft makes.

And the younger sister-in-law herself is also, years ago she sold five or sixty-two sets of covers and so on, which they did not dare to think before.

Five or sixty Liang is enough for them to spend for several years or ten years.

Yang listened to his son's daughter-in-law's words, thought about it, and thought it was very reasonable. He immediately smiled, "I know, but Lele has never been out of the door, and I'm worried."

"You're just worrying." Yang Zhu takes a look at Yang and gets up to go out.

After Yang Lele got the consent of his family, he left with Qingzhu and went to ningmengyao at the same time.

The three secretly came to Los Angeles, less than 300 miles from the capital.

In a common house, there is a large-scale embroidery field. There are many embroiderers in it, and their embroidery work is very good.

Yang Lele stops at the side of the embroiderer and looks at them carefully without disturbing them. She finds that they are very familiar with the needlework. She looks up at Ning Mengyao and knows that she taught them.

Ning Mengyao's master and servant stood by and watched Yang Lele until she came and the three left together.

When he came to the study, Qingzhu looked at Yang Lele and said seriously, "although you and miss are friends, there should be some procedures."

"I know." Yang Lele nods. Yao Yao is willing to help her. How can she argue with Yao Yao?

Green bamboo took out a piece of ordinary white cotton cloth, and gave her some silk threads: "these are for you. In three days, hand over a pair of embroidery designed by yourself."

"Three days?" Yang Lele is silly. She is worried that she can't finish it in three days.

"All sizes are OK." Said the green bamboo in a cold voice.

Yang Lele once clenched his teeth: "OK."

Qingzhu nodded with satisfaction and took Yang Lele to arrange her room. After the two left, Ning Mengyao looked at the account book on the table, with serious expression, but indifference after being serious.

There is also one thing in the middle of these account books, that is, a document of the capital.

After she left, Lingluo never gave up looking for her. However, she married Xiao Zixuan, the princess of Prince Xiao's mansion, within two months after she left.

The news made ningmengyao frown slightly. Then she went to the candlestick and put the information on the candlelight. Seeing the paper disappearing slowly in front of her eyes, she saw a strong irony.

There is already a beautiful lady around, but still want to find yourself, Lingluo, what do you think of yourself? What do you think of me again?

In three days, Ning Mengyao dealt with a lot of things. Qingzhu also raised some questions about xiuzhuang.

In an instant, three days passed. On the morning of the fourth day, Yang Lele arrived at their study tired.

Ningmengyao looked at her worried, and saw that although she was tired, her eyes were bright, and her heart was relieved.

Yang Lele took out a pair of embroideries the size of a cover.

Green bamboo takes it and looks at it carefully. There are some sceneries, trees, flowers and birds. Ordinary embroidery is better than color matching and location matching.

The original simple object, by Yang Lele such a turn, is completely on a grade, plus her embroidery work is not low.


Ning Mengyao takes a look at it. If the full score is 100, Yang Lele can score 70 points for this embroidery.

This is already the two people on the new highest evaluation.

Yang Lele looked at the two people with some uneasiness: "Yao Yao can't do it?" Their faces were so serious that she really worried that she could not.

Ning Mengyao saw Yang Lele, who was nervous and began to sweat, and didn't tease her: "OK, although it's still a little immature, it's not bad."

"Really? Did I pass the customs? " Yang Lele looked at the two men with eyes, which was a little like a dog pleasing the owner.

Ningmengyao and Qingzhu look at each other with a smile in their eyes.

At last, seeing Yang Lele was really worried, Qingzhu looked at Yang Lele's expression and said seriously, "it's over."