At the moment when Yang Lele heard the bamboo words, he jumped up and put his hand around Ning Mengyao's neck: "do you hear Yao Yao? I'm through. I'm through. "

Ningmengyao's neck was a little hard, and she could not help frowning. She reached out and pulled her hand down: "calm down, don't get excited, I'm going to be strangled by you."

Hurriedly, he put his arms around Ning Mengyao's hands, and Yang Lele felt his nose with some guilt. He was very embarrassed: "Yao Yao is sorry, I am so excited."

"It doesn't matter. Qingzhu, please arrange something for Lele." Naturally, she understood Yang Lele's feelings, but she would not blame her.

"Twenty days a month, between ten days off." Qingzhu thought for a long time before he gave such an answer.

For Yang Lele, this arrangement is a great bargain.

"Thank you, green bamboo."

"You're welcome. You'll stay here from tomorrow, and someone will send you back in twenty days. But I have to make it clear to you that what I see and hear in this place can't be told to others, including your parents." At this time, the green bamboo is not the handmaid around Ning Mengyao, but a manager.

Yang Lele nodded and agreed, "no problem."

"I'll send someone to take you to embroider." Said and walked out.

"I will tell Uncle Yang that they also have a lot of money for twenty days a month. Don't worry."

"I believe you." She will follow, in addition to being called by Ning Mengyao, more importantly, she wants to see herself outside.

Although she is still in xiuzhuang now, when she came to this place, she knew that ningmengyao's identity must not be simple. She could get what she wanted by her side, so she was not in a hurry.

After arranging Yang Lele, Ning Mengyao and Qingzhu leave the embroidery village and return to Baishan village.

Seeing their daughter go with them, but they didn't come back with them, Yang's family were worried.

"Yaoer is happy with her..."

"Don't worry, aunt Yang. Lele only stays outside for 20 days in a month. The remaining ten days will come back." What does Yang want to ask? Naturally, Ning Mengyao knows. At present, she directly answers her questions.

A month is only twenty days outside? For this arrangement, Yang's family is also relatively easy to accept.

"Then we can rest assured." Although they don't stay together every day, it's not bad. After all, they are too fussy about what they are helping. Instead, they seem to be ignorant.

Yang Lele's story passed like this. However, Yang Xiuer didn't know where to find out that Yang Lele was sent out by Ning Mengyao to learn embroidery skills, and her face was distorted by jealousy.

Ningmengyao It's so good. It's so good for Yang Lele, but it's like sending a beggar to her.

Hands tightly held together, Yang Xiuer's eyes are full of malice.

When Roche saw her daughter like this, she was afraid and worried: "what's wrong with Xiuer?"

"Niang Ning Mengyao sent Yang Lele out." Yang Xiuer is so big that she has never been to any other place except the county seat. She didn't care about this before, because no one in the village has been there, but now Yang Lele has gone out, and it's said that she is still in a big town.

Think of her jealousy can not themselves, no matter how this account she must be clear with Ning Mengyao.

After that, Yang Xiuer has spent a lot of time blocking Ning Mengyao. But now there are many people in her family. It's not good. Most importantly, Qiao Tianchang's family is building a house, right next to her house. If they do something, it's hard to guarantee that Qiao Tianchang won't help.

Finally, half a month after Yang Lele left, she finally found the opportunity to block people at the foot of the mountain when she went back to Yang Lele's home.

Looking at the person who hasn't been seen for a while, Ning Mengyao's eyes are puzzled and surprised: "what's the matter?"

Yang Xiuer pressed down the fire in her heart and looked at Ning Mengyao and asked in a cold voice, "where is Yang Lele?"