Yang Xiu'er laughed angrily and looked at Ning Mengyao and said, "I will let you know the consequences of rejecting me." Then turn around and leave.

Since she is no longer seen, what is she doing here? It's not self humiliation. What is it?

Looking at Yang Xiuer's back, Ning Mengyao turns around and leaves. She really can't like such a self-centered person.

I saw Qiao Tianchang waiting at the door just after I got home. Yang Xiuer was in a bad mood and became better.

"How is it?"

"You can rest assured that I have dug the grape seedlings for you with others, and I will wait for your command and then plant them." When ningmengyao told him to plant grapes, he took people to the mountain and dug grapes in the place he knew. The people who went with him had fifty Wen a day.

Now is not the time to grow crops. Some people who use force are naturally willing to go with them. After all, if they miss this village, they will not have this shop.

In five days, ningmengyao has piled many grape seedlings in her yard. At last, she found someone to dig a pit on her dry land, and then she planted the grape seedlings. At the same time, she planted many fruit trees, such as peach trees, apricot trees, loquat trees and so on.

Most of the people in the tree village didn't plant all the trees in five or six days.

At this time, some people in the village suddenly began to point out to Ning Mengyao.

"Yao'er doesn't know what kind of natural killer it is. He said that you sold Lele to the outside. He will never come back." When Yang came to ningmengyao's house, his face turned white with anger. How could there be such a shameless person.

Before that, their family also received a letter sent by their daughter's entrustment, which said that she was very good over there. She would come back at the end of the month. Who knows that she would be spread like this? To let her know who spread it, she must tear up those mother-in-law who broke her mouth.

"Aunt Yang, I'm not angry. Why are you angry?" Ning Mengyao looked at Yang and said with a smile.

Yang saw that she was still smiling at this time. Some of them couldn't help crying and laughing: "how can you still smile when it's all over?"

"Don't I cry when I'm not young? Since the Qing Dynasty, Lele will come back in these two days, and then those people will naturally shut up. " Ning Mengyao said to Yang as she did what she was doing.

Yang thought a little and thought it was the same, so he nodded and didn't say anything.

However, when the village head's family heard these words, although they were angry, it was strange that they didn't find Ning Mengyao's trouble. Many people were skeptical of this rumor.

In this way, the strange atmosphere in the village lasted until two days later.

A better carriage came to the village. The nagging women at the door looked at it curiously, especially when they saw it parked at the village head's house.

Then they saw a girl coming down. Who is that girl, not Yang Lele?

After getting off the carriage, she took a lot of things from the carriage, big bags and small bags, including fish, cloth and many other things.

Seeing these things, people in the village talk more about it. Do you think Yang Lele has been sold by ningmengyao to be a concubine in a large family? Otherwise, how can we get so many things back? We need to know that these things can't be bought without 78 Liang silver.

"Lele, where have you been? We heard that you have been sold to large families. " Someone couldn't help but walk to the door of Yang Zhu's house and ask directly.

Yang Lele took a look at the person who came to ask, and said lightly: "I'm not happy with what my aunt said. What does it mean that I was sold to a large family? I just went to xiuzhuang to be an embroiderer. How did I become a big family? "

In just 20 days, Yang Lele has completely changed her appearance, as if she is not a person in tune with them.

The person who came to ask, listened to Yang Lele to say so embarrassed hit a careless eye, then left.