Yang Lele looks at the women around him and sneers at them. That is to say, there are such people who will keep looking for trouble.

They ask such words, is not it to blame Yao Yao?

In the past 20 days, she has learned a lot. There she is not just embroidery. Every embroiderer will learn to draw and read words every day. She has a very substantial life there.

Seeing his daughter coming back, Yang's eyes were full of happiness: "Lele, you are back?" While saying, he reached for Yang Lele's goods and asked her to go home happily.

After returning home, Yang finally couldn't help asking, "Lele, how are you doing there?"

Yang Lele nodded, "well, I'm over there. I just stay in the embroidery room for three hours every day. The rest of the time is for learning to read and draw."

"Really?" Yang was shocked. She thought the child would be very hard and tired outside.

Who knows that it's only two or three hours a day. Not only can you learn to draw and read, but you need to know that it's only the rich ladies who can learn.

"Yes, plus the words I learned with Yao Yao before, I know quite a lot of words now. By the way, I bought a lot of ink and paper for Xiao Zhi this time." Yang Lele pointed to the paper in his hand and said.

"Well, that's great." Yang said happily.

She is very satisfied with her daughter thinking about her home outside.

If you look at the things you bought, you know they are all for them.

Yang Yi and them were also very happy when they knew that Yang Lele was back: "Lele, you are back. You don't know how hard it is to listen outside. They all said that you were sold out by Yaoyao." Yang Lele knew it. No wonder people in the village would ask her that. It turned out that way. He laughed coldly: "I'll go to Yaoyao tomorrow, and then I'll see that I have such a good relationship with Yaoyao, and see what those people have to say."

"Who said no?" Joe on the edge nodded.

Although she envies Yang Lele to go outside, she is not envious. She should know that her sister is well, which is good for her family.

Look at what she brought back to her children this time. If you want them to buy it, it's a lot of money.

"You can't give up ink and paper to practice calligraphy." Yang Lele said solemnly.

"Don't worry, my sister-in-law knows." Speaking of his son, Joe's face was full of smiles.

There was a foundation laid by Ning Mengyao before. After he went to the private school, Yang Zhixue was very relaxed. Mr. Yang also said that he was very smart, which made them have some expectations.

After breakfast the next day, Yang Lele went to ningmengyao's house with his shopping.

When Yang Lele arrived, Ning Mengyao was discussing a matter with Qiao Tianchang. She didn't even notice them when she went in.

"I said you two can't deal with me?" After waiting for more than an hour, Yang Lele finally couldn't help but say with a sad face when he saw that they hadn't finished.

The sudden voice scared Ning Mengyao, but Qiao Tianchang was not happy. He gave Yang Lele a cold look.

The cold eyes made Yang Lele shrink his neck: "I didn't mean it."

"Back? How about staying there? "

Yang Yueyue giggled, "music is not like Shu."

"Just like it." Ningmengyao nodded, didn't ask, but Yang Lele's excited look made her know that it was good.

Yang Lele nodded, then looked at the two vaguely: "don't you think you should tell me about you two, Yao Yao?" When she left before, the relationship between the two seemed not so good, right? How come I haven't seen you in 20 days? How can I feel comfortable with their relationship?

Ning Mengyao gives Yang Lele a white look and ignores her. Qiao Tianchang gives Yang Lele a warning and draws Yang Lele's glare.

After staying at ningmengyao's house for a while, Yang Lele went back and planned to get along well with her father and mother. However, she went to ningmengyao with a gift. It took a lot of time for her to get along with Baishan village, and everyone knew that the things that had been passed on before were just passing on the wrong.