On the contrary, she got a lot from her. Ning Mengyao pointed out her embroidery work and so on. These are the benefits she got. Now she says that in the eyes of others, she is a white eyed wolf.

"Come down, Yang Xiuer. Let's make everything clear today. You will be noisy when you save." Ning Mengyao said impatiently.

For Yang Xiuer to make such a fuss from time to time, she is really upset, or according to Qiao Tianchang's meaning, how good it is to solve people directly at one time.

Yang Xiu'er kept shaking her head: "I don't say, I have nothing to say with you."

People watching the bustle around me, seeing Yang Xiuer like this, suddenly understood in their hearts. They felt that this girl, seeing people send Yang Lele out to do things, didn't let her go together, so they were jealous, so they said such words.

Ning Mengyao sneered, "it's not up to you."

From the moment I got to this place, I began to know Yang Xiuer. Up to now, all the things she and her mother did have been told by Ning Mengyao one by one. In addition to Roche's time, Ning Mengyao really tolerated their mother and daughter.

"Yang Xiuer, are you doing all these things?" Ning Mengyao looks at Yang Xiuer and says lightly.

Yang Xiu'er shook her head fiercely: "it's not me, it's not what I said, you are nonsense."

Ningmengyao smiled sarcastically: "is it you? You know it in your mind. Qingshuang threw her down to me. Our temple can't afford such a big Buddha."

"You You can't do that to me. " Seeing that Qingshuang is going to catch herself, Yang Xiuer refuses to let go even if she grabs the carriage wall.

Qingshuang looks at Yang Xiuer coldly. Is such a person worthy of being a miss's friend? Even half of Yang Lele can't match.

Hand at will in Yang Xiuer's hand, Yang Xiuer screamed to release the hand holding the carriage.

Qingshuang hurls people down and walks back to ningmengyao's side.

"I just want to work outside with Yang Lele. What's the matter? Why are you so cruel. " Yang Xiuer looked at Ning Mengyao with hatred and hoarse voice, which really aroused some people's sympathy.

Ning Mengyao looked at Yang Xiuer scornfully: "you said you want to go? What are you going to do with us? "

"I I want to be with Yang Lele. "

"With her? What qualifications do you have? " Ning Mengyao said, looking into Yang Xiuer's eyes.

The cold look made Yang Xiuer shiver.

"I don't need her to do embroidery. Why can't you let me go?"

Ning Mengyao looked down at Yang Xiuer and said in a cold voice, "why? I'll tell you why, because you are happy and grateful, and you It's just a white eyed wolf that I don't know. How can I get myself into trouble? "

For a person like Yang Xiuer, if someone gives her money to sell herself, she will sell without hesitation.


"Lele, you go first." Ning Mengyao looked at sitting in the carriage and said directly to Yang Lele, who was worried.

"But Be careful. " Originally, Yang Lele wanted to stay, but when she saw ningmengyao's determined appearance, she was relieved. Whether she stayed or not was of little use.

Yang Lele left in the carriage. Yang Xiuer's eyes were full of anger and hatred. She had already reached this point. Ning Mengyao would not let herself go.

I really want to I want to destroy people directly.

Ning Mengyao crouches down and looks at Yang Xiuer in the same direction: "do you hate me? Want to destroy me? Believe it or not, I can destroy you now. "

Yang Xiuer's body became cold, and she couldn't believe how she said it when she looked at Ning Mengyao.

With a sneer, Ning Mengyao looked at Yang Xiuer and said coldly, "I won't do anything to you if you are on your own, but Yang Xiuer, do you think I'm good at bullying?" Otherwise, how can I come to my trouble again and again?

Yang Xiuer shakes her head subconsciously.

Ning Mengyao put her hand on Yang Xiuer's shoulder and said lightly, "what would it be like if I took off your arm?"? Or what if I give your mother a hundred Liang to sell you to me and kill you? "