Yang Xiu'er kept shaking her head. She was afraid. One hundred Liang silver. If Ning Mengyao really gave it to her mother, she knew very well that her mother would agree, even if she would die in ningmengyao's hands at last.

"I don't want to. I'm wrong. I'll never dare again." Yang Xiuer shook her head and said.

Ningmengyao looks at Yang Xiuer coldly and keeps begging for mercy. Ningmengyao just doesn't say a word, so she looks at Yang Xiuer like the devil from hell.

At this moment, Yang Xiuer really regretted it. She always thought that Ning Mengyao didn't do anything to her. She was afraid of her. Now it seems that it's not so. Afraid? It's a joke.

For a long time, Ning Mengyao just doesn't care about her, but she looks down on herself too much, and she also looks down on Ning Mengyao too much.

Yang Xiuer's appearance makes Ning Mengyao feel extremely ironic.

"Yang Xiu'er, you can rest assured that I won't do anything to you today, but from now on, you'd better not appear in front of me, and don't threaten me with that so-called affectation. Otherwise, I don't know what I will do at that time. This is the last chance. If you still don't cherish it, then this bead is your next step." Ningmengyao put a bead in her hand that she didn't know where to take it from. Then she saw her hand pinched hard, and the bead broke into pieces in an instant, and was scattered in front of Yang Xiuer.

When she saw that bead was crushed by ningmengyao, Yang Xiu'er felt her neck was cold, and the people beside her were very angry and scared when they saw ningmengyao.

Those who love to gossip about ningmengyao most, when they see ningmengyao looking up, wish they hadn't been here. If ningmengyao thought of them as beads, they would be dead.

Well, it's better not to provoke Ning Mengyao in the future. She's good now. She helps people in the village to make money. As for other things, is it related to them?

Yang Xiuer looked at Ning Mengyao with trembling eyes. "You are not a human being."

"Is it people I know, Yang Xiuer cherish the last chance, Qingshuang let's go back." He stood up and turned away.

Yang Xiu'er is sitting on the ground. She has been back to her mind for a long time. Her face is pale and pale. Even though she still hates Ning Mengyao, she dare not do anything more. She is really afraid. Ning Mengyao is really terrible.

"Miss, is that woman afraid to provoke her again this time?" Qingshuang looks at Ning Mengyao and asks.

"Well, no more." Ningmengyao changed her appearance and said quietly.

If it was not for Yang Xiuer's annoyingness, she would not have used such a warning method.

After this day, Yang Xiu'er was ill. She spent a lot of money to see the doctor. Originally, Luo Shi wanted to make trouble, but she was stopped by Yang Xiu'er.

And told her that if she didn't want to die, she would come. Don't pull her. After hearing about Ning Mengyao's behavior, Roche forgot about it and said nothing.

Without their interference, Ning Mengyao was quiet. The first batch of apricot flowers were all made into wine, but Ning Mengyao didn't plan to take them out now.

After that, two more batches of apricot flowers came. After the apricot flowers, there were peach flowers. When there was no peach flowers, the wine cellar built by ningmengyao was full of wine.

Qiao Tianchang looked at so many wine jars and his eyes brightened: "Yao'er, why don't you sell them?"

Ning Mengyao thought about it, and nodded and agreed: "OK, you can tell Xiao Qitian to come and pull it, but only half."


When Qiao Tianchang contacted Xiao Qitian, Ning Mengyao asked Qingxuan to call some people with high martial arts.

When Xinghua wine and Taohua wine came out, Lingluo must know it's her, and he won't find them at that time. Qingxuan is the only one who really worries about her, so it's better to prepare the way to deal with it before that.

Qiao Tianchang also knows something about ningmengyao, so that when ningmengyao acts, he starts to act.