Soon the second child came up with several jars of wine, opened a jar of wine and smelled the familiar fragrance. Lingluo didn't know what words to describe his mood at the moment, but he knew that he was excited.

Xiao Zixuan looks at Ling Luo holding a wine jar like a treasure, almost obsessed with it. Her intuition tells her that the brewer has a great relationship with Ling Luo. If that person comes back, it will definitely destroy everything she has now.

No, she can't let that happen.

"My husband, this wine smells good."

"Well, it tastes good, too." Said pour some to Xiao Zixuan: "you taste it."

Xiao Zixuan suppressed the anger in her heart and took a shallow taste of the glass. After tasting it, Xiao Zixuan's face changed: "it's really good."

"Right? How can the wine she brews be bad to drink In the last sentence, Lingluo murmured in a low voice, but no one could hear him.

Xiao Zixuan took a look at Ling Luo and always thought that he was weird today.

A meal ended in this strange atmosphere.

After returning to the Houfu, Lingluo couldn't wait to call in his sweetheart and ask them to investigate where Xiao Qitian's wine came from.

In the next few days, Xiao Zixuan's face was very ugly. In the past, Lingluo always thought of her. She was not happy and would coax her. But now she has nothing. She talks to herself or even perfunctorily.

Pressing down the anger in her heart, Xiao Zixuan went to Ling Luo with a smile on her face, but was told that he had gone out.

The anger in Xiao Zixuan's heart couldn't be suppressed any longer. It broke out immediately. The servant girls who were following her and the servants who were guarding the gate of Lingluo's study were all punished.

Finally, Xiao Zixuan enters Lingluo's study. This is his first time to come in. It's no different from other people's study.

She slightly frowned, since there was nothing in the study, why should she be so closely guarded?

Yes, Lingluo is just guarding against her. In the past, as soon as she gets close to the study, he will not be happy. She has been guessing whether there is something hidden in the study.

Today, he came in to see nothing, just bookcase, some pictures and so on. But that's it. He didn't let himself in.

She closed her lips tightly and turned away. At this time, a vase in the bookcase aroused her idea. There were many pictures in the vase.

The ghost made a desperate effort to walk over, reached out and drew out a pair, slowly opened the picture, and when she saw the person on the picture, Xiao Zixuan's face turned ugly.

This painting shows a woman, and also a character woman.

One after another, after seeing all the paintings in the vase, Xiao Zixuan laughed crazily. It was so. No wonder she didn't let herself in. It was because of this.

There are so many paintings hidden in his study. They are the same person, and they are a woman.


a servant's voice came from outside the door. Xiao Zixuan sat on the chair with a gloomy face, her eyes looking at the direction of the door angrily.

Lingluo returned to the study with disappointment. When she opened the door, she saw Xiao Zixuan sitting there. Her face was very ugly.

Seeing the vanishing paintings in the vase and the pictures on the ground, Ling Luo's face was not good-looking and became even worse.

Go to the desk, pick up the painting on the ground, completely ignored, Xiao Zixuan's gloomy face, eyes full of anger.

Xiao Zixuan's anger was ignited completely at this moment. She thought Ling Luo would coax her and explain to her, but what is it now?

He picked up the paintings on the ground without saying a word, as if he were the unreasonable person.

"Lingluo, I don't allow you to pick it up. Do you hear me? I told you not to pick it up. " Seeing that Ling Luo didn't care about herself at all, Xiao Zixuan went over and robbed the painting in his hand. She tore it into pieces in three or two.

Seeing the painting torn off, Ling Luo's eyes narrowed, and her eyes looked coldly at the woman in front of her: "go out."

"What do you say?" Xiao Zixuan couldn't believe looking at Ling Luo.

"I said let you out." Lingluo's voice is cold without any emotion.

Xiao Zixuan laughed at herself: "Lingluo, it's very kind of you."