Without stopping, Xiao Zixuan turned around and left without looking at Ling Luo.

Back to her room, Xiao Zixuan smashed all the things that could be smashed in the room: "Princess..."

"Go back." Xiao Zixuan said gloomily.

She has never been wronged like this since she married Lingluo for such a long time.

This time she won't just let it go. She must find out the bitch in the painting, not only to find out, but also to let the other side die.

Didn't Ling Luo like that bitch? She wanted to make that bitch the most disgusting woman. She wanted to see if Lingluo liked that woman at that time.

Lingluo didn't know what kind of trouble he brought to ningmengyao because of his recklessness.

Xiao Zixuan hasn't come back since she came back to the palace, so the Marquis and the Marquis's wife are a little strange. After asking Lingluo, they know that it's her own pettiness that makes her dissatisfied. She doesn't say anything about Lingluo, but instead blames Xiao Zixuan.

"Shizi found it." When Ling Luo was suffering, the people under him finally brought good news.

Lingluo's eyes brightened and she looked at them eagerly: "where is it?"

"In Baishan village, which is two days away from here."

"Take me."

After receiving the news, Lingluo can't wait to take people to Baishan village, and Xiao Zixuan also received the news at the same time.

Xiao Zixuan smiled coldly: "do you think you can bring people back? No way. "



"Follow the son of the world, after he met that woman, let that woman insult to death." Xiao Zixuan looked at her dark guard and said.


Lingluo rushed to Baishan village with the quickest speed with an urgent mood, and finally arrived there two days later.

Looking at the house at the foot of the mountain, Ling Luo's hands trembled slightly. He didn't know why. He didn't dare to walk there.

When he hesitated, he saw a woman in a light blue dress coming out of the room, and that person was Ning Mengyao.

Just to surprise, I saw a handsome man behind me. The man was also wearing blue brocade, and the two were wearing the same color, just like lovers.

Seeing Ning Mengyao smile at the man, Ling Luo is going mad with jealousy, which is not the most painful thing for him, but the most painful thing for him is that Ning Mengyao even smiled and took the pad to wipe the sweat on the man's forehead.

This kind of treatment was his before. In just one year, it has completely changed. Is he late?

No, it won't. It took him so long to find someone. How could he let her go?

Standing at the door of Ning Mengyao two people feel that line of sight, at the same time turn their heads, when they see Lingluo, Ning Mengyao is not surprised, she has long guessed this day.

"Do you want Yao'er back?" Qiao Tianchang takes a look at Ling Luo and turns to look at Ning Mengyao's doting.

"The one who should come will come. Tianchang, I'm ok." Ning Mengyao smiles at Qiao Tianchang.

Qiao Tianchang was silent for a moment, then nodded: "well, I know."


Between the two people, Ling Luo has come to them very flat.

Looking at the intimacy between Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang, Ling Luo said angrily, "who is Yao er?"

Ning Mengyao looks at Ling Luo funny. It looks like she has caught her wife. It's really funny.

"Lingluo, what qualifications do you use to ask me a question?" Ning Mengyao looks at Ling Luo ironically.


"Will Yao'er come back with me? We can be the same as ever. " Ling Luo completely ignores Qiao Tianchang on the edge and looks forward to seeing Ning Mengyao.

He thought that the present ningmengyao was still her. She would agree and understand what he said.

Ning Mengyao took a deep look at Ling Luo: "you want me to go back? What identity and qualification do you use to let me go back? Lingluo, after I left the burning house and left there, I didn't expect to go back to the capital. "