Ling Luo looks at Ning Mengyao in silence, which makes the latter laugh at himself: "look, you don't even know yourself."

"No, Yao'er, come back with me." Lingluo said eagerly.

Although the man beside didn't say a word, Ling Luo felt the crisis from him.

"Let's go back Yao Yao." Qiao Tianchang sees Ning Mengyao looking at each other in silence, and immediately looks down at the people on the side.

"OK, let's go." Ning Mengyao smiles at Qiao Tianchang and turns back with him.

Ling Luo came to Ning Mengyao's side several steps, reached out and grabbed her arm, asked coldly, "who is he?"

The hand wriggled twice, broke away from his pull, and smiled sarcastically at his question: "he is the person I like."

Who do you like? Simple four words but let Ling Luo stare big eyes, no, he does not believe.

"You like this man? No, it's impossible. " Even if she left his side, he did not think that one day this woman will become someone else's, in his heart, Ning Mengyao is his own, no matter when.

Ning Mengyao looked at Ling Luo with sarcasm and asked indifferently, "why is it impossible? He would go up and down the river to find what I want. He would help me wash vegetables and make fire in the kitchen. He would also learn to cook with me because he said he didn't want me to be so tired. He learned to cook for me. These Have you ever done it? Maybe I didn't even think about it? "

When they didn't compare, they didn't think that now there are people who compare. Ning Mengyao thinks that Lingluo and Qiao Tianchang are really nothing.

Ling Luo looked at Ning Mengyao with a gloomy face: "when did you become so superficial?" How can he do these things? He is the son of the marquis. How can he do such a humiliating thing?

"I'm so superficial. I don't want to live a rich life. I just want to live a quiet life in this small mountain village. Lingluo, you can't give me what I want. You can't give it before. Now, we can't go back." Ning Mengyao looked at Ling Luo and said earnestly.

At the beginning of wine making, she had been thinking about this problem. She wondered whether she could really take heart in the face of Lingluo.

However, when she really faced this person, she found that she didn't care about Lingluo as much as she imagined, and Lingluo didn't care about her as much as she imagined.

On the contrary, a man who has just known her for a short time knows what she wants. She doesn't like to go into the kitchen. Even if her cooking is very good, Lingluo hasn't found out yet, but Qiao Tianchang finds out. Because of this, he goes into the kitchen to learn cooking from her or mother-in-law Qin.

Although such a thing seems very simple, it is also the easiest to move her.

"If you want me to..."

"No, you won't, Lingluo. If you can do it, you won't say that you want me to be your equal wife at the beginning, and then you can't let go of the right after you take the princess and get the position of the son of the marquis. The reason why you come here is just because you don't want to." Ningmengyao does not wait for Lingluo to finish speaking. Looking at him, he says with cold eyes.

Yes, Lingluo came to this place today just because she didn't like it, and she didn't want to get involved with him anymore.

"I didn't." Ling Luo's guilty retort.

Ningmengyao looked at Lingluo and said, "when you lie, your eyes will move constantly. Lingluo you never know me."


"Lingluo, please go away. Don't come here again. No matter how many times you come, the result is the same. I just want to live a peaceful life in this place with Tianchang. I won't disturb you, and I hope you don't disturb me." Ning Mengyao looked at Ling Luo and said word by word.

This is cruel to Lingluo.

"Do you really want to do this to me?"

"It's not that I want to treat you like this, but that you have let go of our feelings. You and I have already changed. You have integrated into the world and become as eager for power as those people, and this has never been what I want, no matter once or now."