Lingluo could not refute ningmengyao's words. Ningmengyao was a daughter of a large family. She had a great talent in business. People in the family should focus on training her. At that time, she left the family and finally became a world-famous wine taster.

Not only that, in the short two or three years since she left home, her cooking skills are comparable to the master level. As long as she likes, she will go to learn, but she has never been greedy for the power and money of her family.

"Yao'er, have you really decided?" Ling Luo looks at Ning Mengyao's expression without the previous excitement, some of which are only cold and indifferent.

Ningmengyao looks at Lingluo calmly: "when I leave, you should know that there is no possibility between us."

Ling Luo looks at Ning Mengyao, so straight.

"I will make you regret today's decision. How can a man who has nothing make you live a peaceful life? Yao'er, you will come back to me one day. " Lingluo said seriously.

Qiao Tianchang looked at Ling Luo with scorn in his eyes: "it's not enough to worry about you. Let's go back Yao Yao."


Lingluo stood there and watched the two men come back to the seemingly simple house side by side.

At this time, Ling Luo's side suddenly came to his side: "Shizi, there comes the news that shizifei is pregnant."

Although the voice is not loud, it is still heard by Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang. After a pause, Ning Mengyao looks up to see the worry in Qiao Tianchang's eyes and smiles at him, saying that he is OK.

Lingluo frowns, pregnant? How could it be at this time?

"Go back." Ling Luo took a deep look at Ning Mengyao's back. Although there is an insurmountable gap between them now, he believed that one day she would be tired of such a life and return to him.

Ling Luo rode on the horse and left without hesitation, but Ning Mengyao smiled.

In fact, this is good. I hope he won't come back after he leaves. After all, he has a wife and will soon have a son. If he goes on like this, he will bring endless troubles to himself.

When Ling Luo returned home, Xiao Zixuan had been taken home, and she saw him coming back with a shy smile: "my husband, you are back."

"Yes." Ling Luo nodded lightly, and put his eyes on Xiao Zixuan's stomach, with his eyes full of inquiry.

The smile on Xiao Zixuan's face could not be maintained by such eyes: "what are you looking at, my husband? Is there anything wrong? "

"It's OK. I just didn't respond. How old is the child?" Lingluo goes to Xiao Zixuan's side and caresses her stomach with her hands. She looks gentle as if she cherishes this child very much.

Xiao Zixuan was worried, but after seeing Lingluo like this, she finally smiled again.

"The doctor has just come to see you for two months." Xiao Zixuan said, stroking her stomach, and finally put her hand on Ling Luo's hand.

Xiao Zixuan lowered her eyes and raised her head half a time later: "husband, if you like that girl, bring her back."

Ling Luo's hand to be pulled out pauses: "why?"

Xiao Zixuan smiled with a gentle face and a kind of understanding and reasonable look: "look at the pictures that my husband is so precious. I think my husband should like the girl on the picture very much. Now I'm pregnant and someone should serve you, so I think..."

"Don't talk about it." Ling Luo interrupts Xiao Zixuan and walks to the window from the bedside.

Standing at the window and looking at everything outside, he actually arranged the yard according to Ning Mengyao's idea. At that time, he thought they would be together.

But in the end, they were separated. Xiao Zixuan was beside him, and soon there would be children, and there were other men around her.

He could feel that ningmengyao was not showing him the play, but that she really liked the man.

She lowered her eyes and flashed a flash of self mockery. What she said was that he personally buried their feelings.