Although Xiao Zixuan had a proper smile on her face, her hands were blue and sinew, which made her hate even worse.

She's compromised. What else do you want? Do you want her to give up the position of Princess shizifei?

Ling Luo stood by the window for a while, then went back to the bed and looked at Xiao Zixuan: "have a good rest when you are pregnant."

"I know."

"I'll go out first and come back later." Lingluo had a light smile on her face, which seemed to be spoiled. Only Xiao Zixuan knew how alienated his smile was.

Xiao Zixuan didn't want to be hot at this time, so she smiled and nodded: "my husband is busy. I have a servant girl here. It will be OK."

"Well, then I'm relieved." Said to stand up and leave without hesitation.

Looking at Ling Luo's figure, the smile on Xiao Zixuan's face gradually disappeared, and her face was gloomy and terrible.

"Do you know where that woman is?"


"Kill her."


Xiao Zixuan closed her eyes and opened them again with cold and bloodthirsty inside.

It's night, Ning Mengyao is preparing to rest, but she hears the voice from outside.

When she was about to go out, Qiao Tianchang came to her room and said, "don't go out."

"What's the matter?"

"It should be an assassin."

"Assassin?" Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang doubtfully. Who would want her life?

"It should be from Lingluo. Maybe it's from Princess shizifei." Qiao Tianchang directly solves the puzzles for Ning Mengyao.

The princess Ling Luo married, he has seen. Although she seems to be a woman of understanding and understanding, the woman in the dark is very vicious. Many of the girls in her hand have been poisoned by her hands.

Ningmengyao was stunned, and then she smiled sarcastically: "it's so. I thought I was provoking some terrible people. It's so."

It's funny enough that when Lingluo came, the woman couldn't wait to kill herself.

I'm afraid that so-called princess is worried. When she was pregnant, Lingluo took herself back and threatened her position, right?

But did he think too much? She didn't think about it at all. She didn't care what the man liked.

"Stay here, I and your subordinate Qingxuan will take care of it." Qiao Tianchang lowers his head and kisses her cheek, then turns around and goes out. Soon Ning Mengyao hears the fighting outside.

Ningmengyao wants to go out to help, but she also knows that going out at this time is just asking for trouble.

She is good at dealing with some ordinary people, but not the experts.

Anxiously waiting, the outside voice gradually disappeared. At this time, Ning Mengyao dared to go out. When she went out, there were seven or eight corpses lying in the yard. Another was caught by Qiao Tianchang.


"He should be the dark guard of the house of King Xiao."

"Dark Wei? Ah, that Princess really looks up to me. She even uses the dark guard to deal with a lonely girl who has no support. " Ning Mengyao said derisively.

Qiao Tianchang looks at ningmengyao with some worry. When he wants to speak, ningmengyao says something: "Qingshuang is handed over to you."

"It's miss." Qingshuang came out from the dark, and his eyes flashed a clear sneer.

Qingshuang is not short of anything now, that is, the people who are lack of drug testing can't bear that kind of effect. He thinks that the dark guard should be able to bear it for a long time.

Xiao Zixuan is still waiting for her dark Wei to bring her good news.

The good news didn't wait. Instead, several people were still dripping blood.

Looking at the heads not far away, Xiao Zixuan screamed: "ah..."

When the people outside heard her voice of fear, they hurriedly opened the door and came in. When they saw the head of the house, they were more timid and screamed constantly. The braver ones went to find Ling Luo and the marquis.

When Ling Luo came over, she saw Xiao Zixuan sitting on the bed with a pale face. She looked fragile, which made him feel a little pity.

"Clean up."

"It's the son of the world."

"It's OK. I'll take you to my place."

Xiao Zixuan was stunned for a moment, then nodded stupidly.