Take Xiao Zixuan to her room. Ling Luo looks at Xiao Zixuan, who is deeply in love and in a trance: "what's the matter?"

Xiao Zixuan seemed to have found the backbone, holding Ling Luo's hand and crying loudly: "I don't know why it's like this."

"Well? I'll find out about it. " Ling Luo frowned, who in the end hated her so much and did such a thing.

Even if it's a prank, is that too much?

Xiao Zixuan now has his children. If there is something wrong with the children because of this, it's not worth it.

After pacifying Xiao Zixuan, Ling Luo went out to have the matter investigated.

Finally, all the evidence points to Ning Mengyao. No, it should be the man beside her.

Tight lips, finally Ling Luo rode out alone, two days later came to Ning Meng Yao's door.

See the person at the door, Ning Mengyao's eyes with sarcasm: "something?"



"Why do you want to scare Xuaner like this? She is pregnant, and one will miscarry accidentally. How can you be so cruel now, Ning Mengyao? " Ling Luo pointed to the angry voice of Ning Mengyao.

Ling Luo's angry appearance of criticizing himself makes Ning Mengyao a bit trance. Is he criticizing himself? Or for another woman?

"Oh? I don't know what I've done that people and gods are angry with each other. Let a descendant of yours come to my door and accuse me. If you're here today, I'm sorry. I don't have time to deal with you. " Ning Mengyao turns back with disgust.

Without waiting for Ning Mengyao to close the door, Ling Luo grabbed Ning Mengyao's hand: "Ning Mengyao, I don't care what you want to do, but if you do such a thing again, don't blame me for being rude to you?"

Get rid of Ling Luo's hand, Ning Mengyao looks at Ling Luo disgustedly: "you just say, what do you want, and what I have done."

"Why did you throw your head at my house?" Lingluo asked.

Ning Mengyao looked at Ling Luo as if he had heard a big joke: "you said I would throw my head at your house? Lingluo, do I have this ability? I'm just an ordinary orphan girl. I don't have the ability to do that. Besides, head? I'm surprised. Where are the heads from here? Are you paranoid


"Yao Yao, what do you say so much to such a person? Can he understand that much? " Qiao Tianchang's voice came out from one side.

I went to Ning Mengyao's side, put my hand around her waist, let her lean on her arms, then looked at Ling Luo and said sarcastically, "I remember that two days ago, there were seven or eight people in black at home, and they wanted people's lives everywhere. Don't you know that this was sent by people? Yao Yao do you want us to report to the government? "

Ningmengyao shook his head: "let's forget it. We are not the only ones who have such a high status and are protected by officials." Ning Mengyao said sarcastically.

"It's the same. What's our status? They even got out the secret guards. If they get out, we'll be both unlucky then."

"You're right, so let's not worry about it, but we always have to pay it back when we come out. Sooner or later, we will let that person know that we are not so easy to mess with." Ning Mengyao looked at Ling Luo and said word by word.

Lingluo frowned. He felt that these words were just for him. They said that they came here two days ago. Now? Isn't that he just went back? How could it be so clever?

"I said lingdashizi, if you have nothing to do, please leave at my door. Don't stand in the way here. My temple can't hold your Buddha." Ning Mengyao points out and looks at Ling Luo coldly.

Ling Luo can't believe looking at Ning Mengyao. Is she driving herself away?

"Are you driving me away?"

"Can't I offer you up if I dare not? This time it's just Assassin's assassination. I don't know what it will be next. I hope you will pity our common people. " Ningmengyao's words are extremely ironic, which makes Lingluo have the illusion of being shameless.