Qiao Tianchang looked at Ning Mengyao displeased, put his hands on her shoulder, and turned the man with a strong hand: "back, I'll make you a snack, how about you taste it?"

"You will?" Ningmengyao's eyes are shining. That's the plum blossom that Qingxue collected before. It's used to make plum cake.

Because she likes it, Qiao Tianchang will learn from mother-in-law Qin these two days.

"Well, mother-in-law Qin says the taste is OK, but you have to taste it." Qiao Tianchang nodded, which is why he came out later.

"Then let's go." Break away from Joe Tianchang's hand on her shoulder, she reaches out to take each other's hand and runs into the room.

In that way, I totally ignored the existence of Lingluo.

Looking at people leaving, Ling Luo's eyes flashed a haze, he now believed that there was no him in Ning Mengyao's heart.

Ling Luo left in a trance. Suddenly, she didn't know what she was here for.

It's no wonder that she likes others in a short time for one person to question another person she once loved. The reason lies in herself.

Xiao Zixuan listened to the report of the following people. Her face was angry, but she had no choice. It was better for Lingluo to misunderstand the woman. If he knew that he would send someone to follow him, then she would break all the warmth that she had not easily established, which was not what she wanted.

When Ling Luo came back, she saw Xiao Zixuan sitting on the bed and didn't know what she was thinking. That way, the questions Ling Luo was thinking about all the way couldn't be asked.

Take a deep breath and press down the doubts in your heart. A light smile appears on your face: "how are you today?"

"It's OK. Where has my husband been these two days? I didn't see you. " Xiao Zixuan seemed to have just seen Ling Luo. After he came to sit down, she grabbed his arm with her hands and shook it a little bit.

"I went out."

"Oh, that's it."


"Take a rest, then." Xiao Zixuan did not want the two people to sit in silence, so nothing to talk with Lingluo chat.

Ling Luo gently shook his head: "I can't go out these days and pile up a lot of things. I'll go to finish the things first and then accompany you."

"Well, I will wait for my husband."


Looking at Ling Luo leaving, a man came out from behind: "will Princess Shizi find out?"

Xiao Zixuan chuckled, and her face was full of charm: "does this have anything to do with me?"

The man was stunned, and then he laughed: "it's the same thing, it doesn't have much to do with you."

Xiao Zixuan nodded with satisfaction, but she still wanted the woman's life, but I'm afraid it would take a while.

On the other side, Ning Mengyao took the plum blossom cake made by Qiao Tianchang and took a bite. Although the taste was not as good as her own, or even as mother-in-law Qin's, it was very good for beginners.


"Just like it." Qiao Tianchang was worried. Now he is relieved to hear Ning Mengyao's affirmation.

A plate of dim sum was eaten up by ningmengyao, and there was a sense of Indescribability.

"Don't eat so much, like to cook it for you later."


Grandma Qin and Qingxuan smiled at each other's appearance. It's nice for miss to have this person with them. At least this man is really nice to miss.

Since they went to see the Lantern Festival, they thought that the relationship between the young lady and the man was strange, or strange, or that the two people seemed to be very close, and there were many things the young lady would tell her.

But recently they have understood that this is their future uncle.

Ning Mengyao is a little bored lying on the table. Everything has been on the right track recently. It seems that there is nothing wrong with her.

"Tianchang, I'm bored."

"Well, what do you want to do?" Look at her like this, you can see how hard she is free.

"I don't know. There are the following people making wine. Grandma Qin helps me with the sauce. Brother Yang helps me with the chicken and duck..." Ningmengyao broke her fingers to calculate what she could do, but at last she found that she didn't really have what she could do.