Qingshuang looks at her young lady and suddenly says, "young lady, is that fish pond you opened in the South supposed to have fry?"

"Yes, I forgot if you don't say. Qingxuan asked someone to send me some fish, shrimp and crabs. By the way, there was Wang ba." Ning Mengyao said with bright eyes, these are all good things. She can sell a lot of money when she is raised, though she really doesn't care so much now.

Qingxuan nodded, "it's miss."

"No lotus root?"

"You have to plant." She likes to eat lotus seeds, but also like to drink lotus seeds and tremella soup. Where can she get lotus seeds if she doesn't grow lotus roots.

Speaking of this, Ning Mengyao can't wait to walk towards the fish pond.

He reached out his hand and pulled back the man. Qiao Tianchang looked at the man who had changed into a fiery one. "What are you busy with? You're in a hurry because everything hasn't come back. "

Ning Mengyao's feet stopped for a moment, turned around and walked back to Qiao Tianchang's side. Her cheeks were red and a little embarrassed.

Seven days later, a pair of teams with big tanks came to ningmengyao's house. When they saw the team, ningmengyao's eyes lit up.

Take a person to carry the big tank to the fish pond, which has put a lot of water, there are some water plants, lotus root has been planted before, only these things are left.

The escort tied the fish, shrimps and crabs in the tank and poured them down. Watching the fish swimming in the water with their tails swinging, Ning Mengyao was satisfied.

"It's good. I'm looking forward to summer." If this place is full of lotus flowers in summer, it should be very beautiful. I'll get a boat then.

"Well, how about building a pavilion and a boat for you?" Qiao Tianchang stands beside Ning Mengyao and looks at the sparkling water in the pond with him.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang strangely: "how do you know what I'm thinking?"


White Qiao Tianchang one eye, Ning Mengyao went back to the house and handed them the money: "this time I'll trouble you."

"No trouble." The leader said with a smile.

They made a lot of money this time, and she gave more. Even if the business is not good in the next year, they can live on this money very well.

After seeing them off, Ning Mengyao plans to cook for them.

Joe Tianchang went into the kitchen and looked at her slicing. He couldn't help laughing: "it seems that she has a good day."

"That is."

Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao and shakes her head helplessly. This girl is really, which makes people reluctant to blame.

Since Lingluo came that day, she never came to Baishan village. I don't know whether she gave up or because of the family's entanglement. But it has nothing to do with Ning Mengyao. She is busy recently and has no time to deal with her.

Recently, Ning Mengyao has a strong interest in hunting. She pesters Qiao Tianchang to take her to the mountain. You can go as soon as you say. It's nothing. Hare and pheasant can also fight. But she wants to run to the deep mountain and say she wants to see what's in it. It's hard for Qiao Tianchang.

"God, hurry up." Seeing Qiao Tianchang walking slowly behind him, Ning Mengyao is dissatisfied. She finally persuades this man to bring him. What does he want to do now that he is walking so slowly.

Qiao Tianchang helplessly looks at Ning Mengyao and gets a headache: "Yao'er, shall we not go to the deep mountain? There are many wild animals in the mountains. " He was like entering a deserted place alone, but he was worried about Ning Mengyao. Instead of being involved, he was worried about the girl's injury, but she didn't feel it.

"No matter what, you promised me to take me. Do you want to repent?" Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang warily, and the eyes seem to say that if you don't take me, I will ignore you.

Qiao Tianchang sighed heavily and could only take people to the deep mountain: "only once."


At last, Qiao Tianchang had no choice but to take Ning Mengyao to the deep mountain. There are more things in the deep mountain than outside. At least Ning Mengyao found some good things, that is, octagonal.

"What do you think this is for?"

"Dig some small trees and plant them." Ning Mengyao squatted down and began to dig.