Qiao Tianchang saw that she was so precious. He could only help her. He soon dug seven or eight trees, which satisfied Ning Mengyao.

Qiao Tianchang, who is talking to Ning Mengyao, suddenly feels tense and jumps to a big tree with Ning Mengyao in his arms.

Standing on the branch, he put Ning Mengyao on the branch and sat: "hold tight, don't move, you know?"

"Well, I see." Ning Mengyao nodded quickly. She thought that Qiao Tianchang had heard something, so she was so worried.

Ning Mengyao is right. Qiao Tianchang did hear something just now, and he was still a big prey.

They sat on a high branch and didn't respond for a while, which made ningmengyao wonder if Qiao Tianchang had heard them wrong.

When she was about to open her mouth, Joe Tianchang put his hand to her mouth and stopped her from saying, "here you are."

Ningmengyao subconsciously shrinks her neck and looks down. At this time, she suddenly hears a sound of decipherment.

Turn around and look at Qiao Tianchang. When looking down, we can see that there is a wolf under the tree where they are sitting, with gray hair and oily green eyes.

She suddenly understood why Joe Tianchang didn't want to take her to the mountains.

When Ning Mengyao was worried, after another sound, a yellow spot tiger appeared in their sight.

Holding the tiger's eyes, Ning Mengyao reaches out to cover her mouth. She regrets now. She knew she would not pester Qiao Tianchang to come to the mountain.

Ningmengyao's breathing is lightening gradually. She looks at the two beasts below and even dare not move. This thing is too scary. She is afraid.

It seems that he felt ningmengyao's fear. Qiao Tianchang reached out his hand and put people in his arms. He whispered in her ear, "I'm not afraid. I'm here."

Under the consciousness of holding Qiao Tianchang's strong waist, the sudden fighting sound below made Ning Mengyao dare not look down.

The howling of the wolf and the roaring of the tiger constantly stimulate Ning Mengyao's heart, holding Qiao Tianchang tightly in his hand, afraid that he would fall down like that.

Gradually, the two voices are weak down, Joe Tianchang looked at the beast that has gradually lost its breath, and a little relieved: "it's OK."

Ningmengyao's body was stiff. She looked down and found that the two beasts had different wounds, especially the wolf, with two big blood holes in its neck.

"Go back?"

"Well, I'm going back." Ningmengyao can't wait to nod her head. She doesn't want to stay here anymore.

Qiao Tianchang's eyes flashed a trace of doting, holding people down from the tree, looking down at the two beasts in front of him, thinking about whether to get them back.

"Let's get this tiger back." Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao and asks for her opinion.

Looking down at the tiger of about two or three hundred jin, Ning Mengyao wanted to cry without tears: "how can I take this?"

"I'll take it, and you'll go ahead carefully." Qiao Tianchang said soothingly.

If he didn't make a bigger fur for Ning Mengyao, he didn't want to take the burden back.

After the tiger skin is nitrated, it is also a good choice to put it in the room as a carpet.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang and nods at last, but she is curious about how to get the tiger back.

Just thinking about it, I saw Joe Tianchang bending down, holding the front and back feet of the tiger with both hands, and then with a strong effort, the tiger was carried on his shoulder.

Looking at Qiao Tianchang stupidly, it seems that he didn't take anything. Ning Mengyao swallows his saliva: "isn't it heavy?"

"No, let's go." There is also a wolf in this place. The smell of blood will soon attract other beasts. It's better for them to leave this place quickly.


The speed of going down the mountain is much faster than going up. When they got home, Mrs. Qin and her son saw the tiger eyelids on Qiao Tianchang's shoulders jumping.

People's eyes are on Ning Mengyao at the same time, especially mother Qin. It seems that the eyes are saying, is miss going to the mountains for fun?

Ningmengyao wants to cry and look at several people of her family without tears. If she doesn't take them like this, she will be scared to death. They still treat themselves like this, and don't be too curious about the mountains in the future.